Hacks to Prevent Burnouts: The Remote Workplace

Burnouts are a severe problem in the workplace. Employees become so burnt out from their job that they have to take time off or even quit altogether. If such habits continue, they can lead to financial losses. 

This blog post will discuss ways you can reduce your chances of burnouts occurring in your company by optimizing the remote workplace.

Schedule Electronic Interruptions

To prevent burnout, employees must set aside time for themselves. This means they need some measure of control over their schedules and what happens during those periods of downtime. 

Scheduling electronic interruptions is an easy way to make sure people have the opportunity to regain their focus without feeling guilty about taking a break from work.

Have a Workday Accountability Partner

An accountability partner is someone who will check in with you to make sure that you're staying on top of your work. They don't need to be physically present for this, but they need a shared goal and timeframe. 

This way, both parties can discuss their progress and develop strategies if one person isn't doing as well as the other.

Schedule Time for Tasks

Perhaps, this is one of the best ways to avoid work burnout. Scheduling for all activities that should take place from morning to afternoon can help keep you motivated and focused on the tasks. For example, schedule when to have a meeting with a web designer to work on your website. Know when to interact with a logistic company, your internet provider, and more. 

Schedule Break Time Before Burnout Happens

When working remotely, it's essential to take breaks to avoid adverse side effects like feeling unmotivated and exhausted. Schedule your work around what you know will make you most productive for that day; this way, it won't feel as tricky with the proper preparation!

Schedule Time to Cook

Cooking is something that many people enjoy, but it can be hard to find the time when you work remotely. That's why it's important to schedule some of your downtimes for this! Make sure you're taking care of yourself and planning breaks throughout the day, so you don't get burnt out.

Stop Working on Weekends

While it may seem like a good idea to work on weekends, this can make burnout worse. Therefore, it's crucial for your productivity that you do not work during the weekend and instead take time off to rest. This can help you gain back lost energy and prepare you for the week ahead. 

Pair Up with People who Are in Similar Fields

The best way to reduce the risk of burning out is by working alongside someone who has similar goals as yourself. This will help keep both parties motivated! Try using social media or specialized websites dedicated to remote workers within any given field to find these colleagues.

Stay Hydrated when Working Remotely 

Staying hydrated is crucial to avoid feeling fatigued throughout the day! Try adding water bottles near your desk so you remember to drink up, or use a water app to remind you when you should drink.

Schedule Your Emails Out

In this day and age, it can be difficult not to check emails constantly. However, when working remotely, you need to make an effort not to over-commit yourself if you want your mental health intact at the end of the day (or week). 

To prevent feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities, schedule your inbox so that only emails pertaining directly to what you are doing now show up while focusing on something else.

Encourage Workers with Different Skill Sets

When you hire someone new, do your best to not just find somebody who matches all of your needs as that person may narrowly focus on one particular skill set or perspective. Instead, encourage workers with different skill sets so there are more perspectives available among the team, leading to better decisions in general.

Schedule Time to Eat Lunch

It's important not to skip eating when working remotely to avoid feeling tired and cranky. Instead, schedule the times you're going to break for lunch into your workday so that it doesn't feel overwhelming.

Take Care of Yourself First

This seems like a no-brainer, but many people forget to put themselves first. Many successful business owners have a personal assistant or other support to take care of their day-to-day needs to focus on the bigger picture.

Schedule Check-Ins with Your Team Members

Make sure it's easy for employees to get together and chat in person and online, whether through video conferencing or just emailing back and forth. Not only will this keep them connected during the workweek, but it'll also provide an opportunity for workers who might not otherwise interact regularly to connect outside of work hours which provides valuable perspective.

Work in Person During the Day on Fridays

While working remotely is a great way to manage your work schedule, many people feel disconnected from their team members. To combat this loneliness, try getting together with them for meetings and other events during your Fridays when everyone can be present at once! This will make workers feel more connected, which might help keep burnout away.

Don't Work from Home Too Often

Don't do all of your work from home daily. This can lead to isolation which is another cause of burnout. Instead, staying connected by going into the office periodically for meetings and events is vital! Plus, if you need more human interaction once per day, it'll also cut down stress levels.

Dim Lights while Working Outside of Hours 

Working remotely doesn't have to mean being awake long past your bedtime. Dimming the lights or wearing earplugs to block out sound is a great way to keep from getting too tired while working remotely.

Have a Conference Room Available for Remote Employees

If you can't have in-person meetings with your staff occasionally, try having a Skype call instead of giving up altogether! This can promote productivity and commitment to what you do. 

Remove Temptation by Limiting Access to Distractions During Work Hours

Turn off notifications and return emails unpredictably throughout the day so that they don't get mixed into your daily routine. This will minimize the chances of being distracted and staying focused on what needs doing at any moment. If you're trying to focus on something and an email comes through, it'll just be a simple "read later" or "delete."

Remember Why You're Doing What You Do Every Day

Helping people solve problems can sometimes lose its luster over time if you don't get regularly reminded of the bigger picture and how your company helps users fix their issues every day. So please take 30 minutes each week to think about these things and how they make you feel.

In conclusion, doing what you love will only last so long without a break. However, your remote company can be happier and healthier by implementing the hacks above, which means fewer burnouts!

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