Effective Brainstorming Tips and Ideas

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Image Courtesy of Pixabay

Some of the best ideas are spare of the moment, some are planned over the years, and some come from effective group collaboration. Team meetings and corporate planning are vital components of idea generation, but Brainstorming is one of the best techniques. 

Brainstorming is essentially collective creativity that aims to solve a problem through spontaneous thoughts and ideas. So wheel-in the whiteboard, break out your best chalk markers and get ready for some storming fun.

Brainstorming Tips

Brainstorming is straightforward in principle, but it requires some knowledge for practical use. The Brainstorming theory is based on spontaneity, but on-the-spot thinking and idea generation don't come naturally to most people. Therefore some initial setup is required before you begin your Brainstorming session.

Set Up the Meeting So People Can Prepare

While there are those among us gifted with lightning-fast neuronal activity that facilitates amazingly creative ideas in seconds, most of us cannot do this. Therefore, it is essential that you inform all team members that you intended to hold a Brainstorming session. Pre-knowledge of the activity will allow anyone invited to prepare for the session by getting their creative juices flowing.

Define the Intention

Additionally, everyone that is to be present needs to be aware of the end goal of the session. Therefore you need to define the problem that needs to be solved clearly. Without this, you run the risk of losing scope and including irrelevant information during the sessions. This can relate to solving a problem or getting something done by a specific fate. It would help if you also considered the feasibility of an idea before you begin. Some things are impossible.

Invite all Ideas and Include Everyone

Idea generation isn't easy, and sometimes people will say the first thing that comes into their head. However, nothing should be dismissed as one thought can lead to another. Instead, try to include all ideas as a good idea. The point of Brainstorming is to conclude a series of linked thoughts. You should also never state out loud that you think an idea is terrible and try to get everyone involved in the activity.

Effective Brainstorming Methods

The concept of Brainstorming is creative spontaneity, and the simplest method is shouting out ideas and writing them down. But there are multiple methods of Brainstorming that companies all over the world use every day. Some are suited for specific goals, and others are excellent for team collaboration and inclusion that facilitate idea generation.

Shared Brainwriting

Brainwriting is the opposite of traditional Brainstorming. Instead, you have everyone write down their Brainstorm on paper for a limited period - say a minute, and then the personal Brainstorms are passed along clockwise to the next person in the group. The aim is then for each group member to build upon the Brainstorm they received. Brainwriting is effective because it ensures that everyone's ideas are heard - a common problem with regular Brainstorming.

Role Storming

Role Storming is a fun method of Brainstorming. First, ask the team to pick a well-known public figure or someone everybody knows. You then ask your team to get into the person's mindset to approach a problem how they think that person would. The chosen person could be your boss, your CEO, or a celebrity. For example, ask your team, "What would Steve Jobs Do?". The method of approaching a problem from someone else's mind alleviates shyness, shame, and time constraints.

Net Storming

A modern take on classic Brainstorming, Net Storming uses collaboration software such as Microsoft Teams and Google Docs so that everyone can pitch their ideas using the software. You then arrange either an online collaboration meeting or an in-person session. From there, all thoughts are put forward for the team to expand. One Of the best things about Net Storming is that it can be anonymous, so team members who might be shy or awkward can contribute as much as they want to without being uncomfortable.

In Summary

Brainstorming has been around for the deceased, but it is still an excellent tool for solving problems and generating ideas. Essentially, a group of people get together and spontaneously put forth their ideas for solving a problem. However, this kind of thinking doesn't come easy to most. Therefore, you need to plan and inform everyone involved of an upcoming session and state the goal. Then, during the session, include everyone and accommodate all ideas.

Traditional Brainstorming revolves around writing down ideas from the group. But there are effective methods. For example, shared Brainwriting allows ideas to be expanded upon by the entire team, while Role Storming gets your team to approach a problem from someone else's perspective. Net Storming is more complex as it uses collaboration software. But it alleviates the problem of shyness and can be done anonymously.

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