Essential Parking Lot Maintenance Tips for Your Business

Essential Parking Lot Maintenance Tips for Your Business

Essential Parking Lot Maintenance Tips for Your Business

Maintaining a beautiful business sometimes requires you to focus on the uglier parts inside and around the building. No one enjoys looking at a parking lot, but that doesn’t mean you should neglect the area.

Smooth, clean lots outside businesses provide patrons with the best experience—especially if they’re spending only a short time inside before heading out again. Before summer ends, take care of your parking lot with these essential parking lot maintenance tips for your business.

Ensure the Lot Has Ample Lighting

When a parking lot is dark due to a lack of streetlights or lighting on the front of your business, it becomes unsafe for everyone. Even if your business isn’t open during typical dark hours, make sure that your lights are fully functional. Without adequate lighting, drivers may not see pedestrians or hazards common in a parking lot, such as shopping carts. The darkness may also make it difficult to see the paint lines that separate each parking spot, especially if the paint has lost its sheen.

You may also want to install surveillance cameras if your business is in a high-traffic area. The cameras may help record any crimes when they happen or bring a new perspective to a fender bender.

Improve the Clarity of the Lining and Reserved Parking Signage

Parking lot confusion can lead to unnecessary accidents. Take the time to check the clarity of your parking lot paint and decide whether you need to reline the lot this year. If lines are difficult to see in a vehicle, you know that it’s time for a repaint.

Pay special attention to your reserved parking spaces—drivers must know when there’s a handicap parking space, or they could accidentally take it from someone who needs it. Go over the parking lot paint by clearly marking the reserved parking space and the space next to it. Remember, your handicap parking spot isn’t legal without a sign, so remember to fix any broken signage and adhere to reserved parking sign laws to prevent fines.

Fill in Problematic Potholes or Repave the Lot

This is one of the most essential parking lot maintenance tips for your business—addressing potholes and cracks in the pavement. Potholes that grow large enough can cause damage to patrons’ cars or act as tripping hazards for pedestrians. Hire a team to fill in any dangerous potholes before they get out of control. If your parking lot contains many holes and cracks, you may want to consider repaving the lot for a fresh start.

Whenever you’re doing maintenance in your parking lot, put yourself in the customer’s shoes—would you want to use your parking lot as it is? How could it be better? Making thoughtful changes, however small, will keep everyone safe as they bring their business to your store.

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