The Best Pain Relief Tips for Remote Workers

The Best Pain Relief Tips for Remote Workers

Don’t grow accustomed to body pains as a remote worker. Instead, check out the best pain relief tips for remote workers to learn more information.

Working from home requires sitting for long periods repeating the same motions: typing, writing, etc. This can lead to body pains and stiff joints. Fortunately, there are ways to combat discomfort. Follow the best pain relief tips for remote workers for beneficial advice.

Always Set Your Screen at Eye Level

While working, you need a comfortable position to view your computer. If your screen is too low, you will lower your neck and tilt your head forward see the device. If it’s too high, you’ll tilt your head back to see the screen. Both positions are uncomfortable and can lead to neck or shoulder pain. However, an eye level screen prevents unnecessary straining. If you’re experiencing pain, try repositioning your computer.

Rework Your Workspace

Another pain relief tip for remote workers is to rework your space. Creating a good environment is essential if you have a traditional home office or operate from your bedroom. If your office is too dark and you strain your eyes to complete your work, you should consider purchasing better lighting. If your computer chair is uncomfortable and you experience back pain, it's time to upgrade your seating.

Take Frequent Stretch Breaks

Sitting in one position or repeating the same motions can cause discomfort. Therefore, it's best to take frequent stretch breaks after sitting for a while. Stand up and stretch your body. Doing so will relieve tension and prevent cramps. To enhance this experience, you can perform yoga poses during your lunch break.

Don’t Ignore Chronic Pain

Working through pain is not a good idea, and you should not ignore your body. If stretching or taking breaks doesn’t relieve discomfort, you should seek additional help. In some cases, chronic pain is a sign that it’s time to see a chiropractor, as they can create a treatment plan to help you!

Be Active Throughout the Day

Whenever possible, find ways to be active. Whether you walk to the mailbox or do a few lunges in the hallway, light exercises can combat pain. It can also make the work day go faster because you won’t feel stuck in one position. And when the work day is over, consider going on a walk to decompress from the long day.

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