Reasons To Use Your PTO Before the End of the Year

Reasons To Use Your PTO Before the End of the Year

Reasons To Use Your PTO Before the End of the Year

Paid time off—what is it really? Essentially, your employer is paying you to take time away from work to do something outside of your job. Although PTO should accompany each position we’re offered at a company, many people don’t realize how blessed they are to have that time.

Most employees save their PTO hours for the holidays or carry them into the next year, but here are a few reasons to use your PTO before the end of the year.

Creates Work/Life Balance

Taking PTO throughout the year instead of saving it all for the last few months enables you to create a better work/life balance. In other words, you may prevent burnout by extending different holidays or having the occasional four-day weekend.

Spreading out your PTO evenly offers a healthy balance of work and play over 12 months rather than limiting your time off to just two weeks of recharging in December because you’re overworked.

Additionally, life happens. It’s best to keep at least a few PTO days available to ensure you can take time off when you need it.

Boosts Productivity

Let’s face it: it’s almost impossible to have a 100 percent productive week 52 times in a row. No matter how sharp our morning, work, and evening routines are, there are going to be days where we fall behind, and that’s okay. Being “on” without any sort of break or time to recharge only encourages burnout, forcing you to need even more time off.

Taking time off throughout the year can help you be more productive at home and in the workplace.

When we’re replenished, we come back to work ready to roll up our sleeves and get more done. Furthermore, when you drain your brain power, you can’t be completely productive. Schedule time off to relax, recharge, and reenergize.

Reduces Stress

Of course, taking time off also reduces our stress tremendously. Disconnect yourself from growing to-do lists, due dates, and meetings every now and then.

Think about it, are you more relaxed at work or when you’re having a cup of coffee on the beach? Most people would choose the latter.

You work hard in your role and it’s okay to reward yourself routinely. Take the time off; your mind and body will thank you.

Keep in mind what you’ll need to consider before requesting PTO to ensure you’re time off isn’t negatively impacting your workload. For example, in some cases, you may need to talk with your manager about how your PTO will affect the team. Be sure to get your work done before taking scheduled PTO so that you can actually enjoy your time off!

These reasons to use your PTO before the end of the year will help you feel recharged, more productive, and less stressed, allowing you to enjoy life a little easier.

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