How To Spread Your Company's Culture More Prominently

Company culture is a fascinating topic to discuss for various reasons. Think of how many brands develop ‘fans,’ or at least those willing to keep up with the news of latest releases. We see this with video game console manufacturers, the endless debate between iPhone and Android products, and sometimes, appreciation for the larger-than-life personalities behind brands, such as Tesla, SpaceX, and reverence for Elon Musk.

For this reason, spreading your company culture and branding as a more direct means of marketing is a great way to promote subtly. After all, this kind of tactic is what’s known as ‘projecting soft power’ when it comes to international diplomacy, but of course, here it’s much less intensive or high-stakes, so the comparison isn’t quite perfect.

That said, this kind of company culture being spread and appreciated by customers and clients can only help build loyalty, goodwill, brand familiarity and more. Think of how international corporations like Disney are known for giving us a certain feeling of magic in our childhoods, replicated by the theme parks they run. 

While you may not be in the business of unveiling a brand-affiliated rollercoaster anytime soon, the following advice can help you spread your company’s culture more prominently:


Podcasts are a fantastic way to build an audience. Releasing audio interviews with prominent figures using podcast booking agencies, explorations of a topic, or even discussing your own brand history in terms that people can understand and relate to their own entrepreneurialism, this kind of approach can make a massive difference in how engaged people become with your content. Podcasting is also a great way to define your own business philosophies and grow as a result.

Sponsoring Events

There’s a reason brands sponsor events. It’s to get the brand name out there, sure, but also to be associated with such an event, growing in the light of such branding. For instance, it’s quite prestigious for a brand to have its logo on the lapel of a Formula 1 racing driver’s jacket. We need not explain why. It might be that sponsoring a local business expo helps your name become known among your peers, while sponsoring fitness influencers helps you get the seal of approval from someone who already has a following. Sponsorships can make a massive difference, so don’t ignore their potential.

Business Blogging

Blogging can be a great way to raise your SEO while also giving informative content about your business, or your thoughts on the industry. There’s no reason why this has to be filled with ‘business-only tips’ however, as anything pertaining to your industry can be fine. Perhaps you run a production studio and want to give your thoughts on a new update to the editing software your company uses as standard, or even instructional videos regarding how to develop motion graphics. Blogging of this nature allows you to express your personality as a brand while crafting a point of entry for those who might wish to absorb such content.

With this advice, you’re sure to spread your company’s culture in the best possible manner.

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