Do Guard Shacks Need a Bathroom—Why or Why Not?

Do Guard Shacks Need a Bathroom—Why or Why Not?

Do Guard Shacks Need a Bathroom—Why or Why Not?

Guard shacks provide numerous amenities for those who use them, whether that be a parking lot attendant at an event, a guard outside of a business, or any other kind of worker. You can now purchase or fit most guard shacks with HVAC equipment and electricity for better comfort and safety. Another amenity that has become available is built-in bathrooms. Some people think that’s unnecessary since event spaces and businesses already have bathrooms nearby. So why do guard shacks need a bathroom? Keep reading to learn why this amenity is a good investment.

Easily Meet OSHA Requirements

OSHA requires employers to allow employees to take bathroom breaks as needed, regardless of the type of work the employee is doing. That means even security guards and parking lot attendants need a readily accessible bathroom. However, OSHA makes the exception that those in mobile workforces or a generally unused area need to be within short driving distance of a bathroom.

Keep Your Area More Secure

Unless you have more than one guard or attendant working at a time, bathroom breaks mean that your area is temporarily unmanned. That temporary window for someone to commit a crime or sneak into your event widens if they have to walk into the business or event space to use a bathroom and then walk back out. Providing a guard shack with a bathroom shortens that unmanned time since all they need to do is open and close a door to be in the bathroom and then back out on the job again.

Use Space to the Utmost Potential

A guard shack with a bathroom doesn’t just have to be for your security guard or parking attendant. These bathrooms meet standard building requirements, so guests can use them if necessary. While a guard or attendant may not constantly want visitors in their space, especially since this could be a safety hazard, it’s good to have something available if people are waiting in long ticket lines or no other restroom is nearby.

So why do guard shacks need a bathroom? This accommodation helps you easily meet OSHA requirements, keeps your area more secure, and uses your space to the utmost potential. While shacks with restrooms are slightly more expensive than regular guard shacks, this is an amenity that you won’t regret investing in.

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