4 Industries You Wish You Invested In 10 Years Ago

Whether you invest your money in stocks or a business idea, you always want to catch trends before they happen. Most people make their money by capitalizing on ideas that seem small at the time but skyrocket over the course of a decade or so. 

Right now, there are plenty of industries - and business ideas within these industries - that seemed laughable a decade ago. Well, maybe not laughable, but they weren’t worth considering. You didn’t think about investing in them, but now you realize you should’ve! If you’d known that they were on course to thrive, you would definitely have invested time and money ten years ago. 

Keeping that in mind, here are the industries you wish you invested in a decade ago:


Cybersecurity is something that has absolutely taken off in the last decade. Most tech experts would’ve predicted this ten years ago, which is why they’re currently rolling around in piles of money. 

To be honest, most tech-related industries could’ve made this list. These were things we knew might be worth investing in, but we didn’t know how prominent they’d be. Cybersecurity is a great example of this. Who could’ve predicted the dramatic increase in cyber attacks since 2012?

The more technologically advanced the world becomes, the more cyber threats there will be. If you invested in cybersecurity or started a cybersecurity business a few years ago, you could be making loads of money right now. 

Cloud Computing

Another industry that has seen significant growth - particularly over the last two years. Now, this is a sector you wish you invested in, but mainly because of what happened to the world in 2020. We got hit by a global pandemic, forcing people indoors and shutting companies down. It meant that, for the first time ever, businesses were forced to work from home. 

Already, cloud computing companies started maximizing their profits. Sales were going through the roof, and there was a renewed demand for cloud-based applications, etc. Software providers were seeing more users than ever before, opening the door for more money to be made. 

If you invested in this industry a decade ago, you’d be in the prime position to capitalize on the increased demand for cloud services. But, things are still going on an upward trend. The pandemic made a lot of people realize they prefer working from home, so the demand for cloud services continues to grow globally!


Ten years ago, most people wouldn’t have thought that the cannabis industry was a worthy investment. Primarily, this was because it remained an illegal substance in most states. Even if it was legal, it was only for medical use. 

Oh, how times change! 

New regulations and rules mean that cannabis - and cannabis-related businesses - are now legal in most places. Moreover, better technology and science have led to the emergence of CBD businesses. This has blasted the industry into overdrive, making it way more profitable than it ever was. 

When you see how successful many businesses are in this sector, you’ll wish you invested money a long time ago. You’ll wish you took a risk and bought some growing kits, bagged yourself some Twister Trimmers, and started growing your own cannabis plants. If you did, you could be sitting on a fortune now!

Real Estate

Yes, you will always, always, always look back on a decade and wish you invested in real estate. 

This same article could be published in ten years' time, and real estate will still be on the list. It is an industry that always sees continued growth. In fact, it has seen a 27.4% increase in GDP since the year 2000. 

If you invested in real estate a decade ago, you’d be sitting on a pretty fortune right now. Even if you bought houses and kept them, they’d be worth way more money to sell right now. But, consider how much money you could’ve made in rent over the past ten years! It would’ve allowed you to invest in more real estate - or perhaps had the money to invest in some of these other industries! 

No matter the time period, real estate is always an industry you will look at and wish you invested in. 

While it’s sad that you missed opportunities relating to these industries, you don’t have to get too upset. The beauty of everything on this list is that the sectors are still growing. If you start a business in any of these industries right now, it could be highly profitable for many years to come.

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