Creating a Productive Home Working Space

Photo by Kari Shea on Unsplash

Millions of people all over the globe are finding joy in a home working environment. It does take some adjustment, though, if it hasn’t been the norm. 

For freelancers and small business owners, working from home has been enjoyed for many years - and often, a dedicated creative space is a must. 

But if you are yet to have that space, then here are a few tips that can help you kick up your productivity and enjoy your home working environment to the max.


Finding somewhere quiet to work in a busy household can be one of the most challenging things. Many people try to use a spare room in the home, but you might need to consider either a loft or a basement renovation if you don’t have an extra room. Choose a company that is experienced in turning these spaces into offices like the Capable Group.

Neaten up

Is your work desk cluttered and messy with things you just don’t need? Well, it’s time to take control of it! 

Look at what you need available to you, and the chances are you will only need a few items on the desk at any time. 

When a mess surrounds us, our minds are drawn away from what we should be focusing on, and instead, we begin to pay attention to the chaos around us. 

At the start of every day, decide what you will need for the list of work you have to do, and set those things out only. 

Artwork & Plants

Adding artwork on the walls or in frames can provide an endless source of inspiration - even more so if you have carefully chosen the item yourself. 

Choosing quotes, photographs or paintings that incorporate things that you find naturally uplifting can be perfect. 

Adding plenty of green into your space by using plants has a positive impact on mental health. Green is shown to help us focus for more extended periods as well as feel productive. 

If you can’t keep plants alive or there isn’t enough natural light, opt for faux plants - they have the same type of impact. 

Wall space

If you need to sketch or create frameworks or simply need a visual to-do list, your wall space is ideal for this. Add a whiteboard to the wall, and at the start of each day, add to your to-do list. 

As you complete each task, cross the items off the list. Crossing items off your to-do list is one of the most important ways to keep your motivation and productivity high. 

The key to creating good to-do lists is to take items off that aren’t urgent and put them in a different list for another time. Items on the to-do list should only pertain to the work that you need to do that day. 

So by that measure, keep your whiteboard to-do list short. 

Remove the clock from the wall though, as you work, you will be less tempted to keep checking the clock. Instead, implement a Pomodoro timer to help you track break and working time. 

And finally, make sure that the furniture in your working space is ergonomic - so that backaches and shoulder pains aren’t impinging on how much you can get done. 

Need some more tips for being productive? Read more: Boosting Productivity Post-Covid.

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