How To Set Up Delivery Services for Your Restaurant

How To Set Up Delivery Services for Your Restaurant

Image via Schnell

Businesses can expand their reach to customers by adding delivery services to their restaurants. However, before establishing a delivery system, there are several elements restaurants should consider first. To learn more about how to set up delivery services for your restaurant, continue reading our blog.

Designate Your Delivery Zone

Before your restaurant can begin offering deliveries to customers, a company must identify how far they plan to make deliveries. While limiting how far away customers can order may seem unnecessary, deliveries from farther locations could ultimately elongate a driver's delivery time and affect other customer's orders.

Instead, if restaurants plan to guarantee fast deliveries, they must designate the region of their delivery zone. Creating these coordinates will ensure that local customers receive food promptly and encourage more dine-in orders from out-of-town customers.

Invest in a Quality Delivery Van

Without a functioning vehicle, restaurants simply cannot make deliveries. To create a successful delivery service, your restaurant must invest in a car that guarantees your drivers can reach customers safely and efficiently.

Although it may be tempting to cut costs by letting employees use their vehicles, purchasing a cargo van or refrigerated van for your business may have several benefits. If you need specialized vans, look for refrigerated vans for sale to ensure food safety during transit. For example, there are several different ways to optimize the storage of your van. Additional vehicle space will allow drivers to deliver more orders with fewer trips. 

Pro Tip: If you're concerned about your employees’ delivery performance, cargo vans can be synched with geolocation services; these services allow owners to ensure employees are taking an efficient route to customers without unnecessary detours. 

Create a Delivery Station 

Restaurant managers may find dividing their attention between a new delivery service and dine-in orders challenging. During busy dining hours, staying organized between online orders, delivery orders, and dine-in orders can feel impossible. 

Creating a delivery station dedicated to taking, fulfilling, and preparing orders for delivery is a highly beneficial solution. When restaurants create these designated stations, drivers can grab delivery orders more quickly and consistently reach customers.

Take-out and dine-in orders will also be more organized, making your delivery service more successful. 

Expanding your business beyond the limitations of a dine-in experience has many advantages. Review our tips on setting up a delivery service for your restaurant so you can begin outlining your business plan.

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