The Different Methods of Casting for Manufacturing

The Different Methods of Casting for Manufacturing

The Different Methods of Casting for Manufacturing

Casting offers a wealth of benefits over welding and other foundry methods. Not only are products stronger but casting also allows for more flexibility in the design process, and most importantly, allows a faster transition time for businesses trying to get their products to market. The material cost is lower and you can benefit from shorter lead times.

Casting can offer your manufacturing company a multitude of cost-saving measures. There are several types of casting for manufacturing — you must decide which is suitable for your product. There are several factors to consider, such as quality, durability, and production parameters.

Check out the different methods of casting for manufacturing.


Die casting is a prolific method found in larger pieces like agricultural machinery, and intricate pieces like clocks and medical equipment. A metal liquid is poured into a cavity at high speed and then solidified and cooled under intense pressure. Die is excellent for mass production, but the products may not be as strong as other casting methods due to shrinkage and low plasticity.


Heavy construction equipment and automotive parts, among others, are created with sand casting. Sand is a method best suited for cast iron and is typically an affordable cost. Sand casting is available at most foundries.


Investment casting is best for pieces that have intricate or fragile parts, like turbine blades. A surface of a pattern is covered with layers of crack-resistance material. The mold, usually wax, is destroyed to remove the cast. Investment casting is highly accurate.


The molten metal fills a mold through the centrifugal force, limiting the amount of material lost in the casting process and producing a higher yield. Manufacturers use centrifugal casting for pipes, barrels, and hollow sleeves. The inner hole of the cast isn’t symmetrical and can be very rough.

With all the different methods of casting for manufacturing, finding the right type will take some research to determine which is the best for your company.

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