Working On Heritage Construction Projects

Working On Heritage Construction Projects

If you have a heritage home or are planning to purchase one, you will need to know how to maintain the period features inside the property so that the building does not lose its character. However, there are times when damage requires you to change aspects of the period property, and therefore, you have to be extremely careful with your decision. This post will help ensure that you do not go wrong and can keep the heritage features prevalent inside your home. 

Everything needs to be considered with care, from your fill sand provider to your window replacement expert.

Things to Consider When Choosing Wooden Doors for Your Heritage Home

Heritage homes usually have traditional and rustic doors fitted inside them, though they are subject to wear and tear and can become shabby, creaky, and a little past their sell-by date. No matter what type of repairs you try to do on the doors, there comes a point where it is inevitable that the door needs to be replaced. Wooden doors are fantastic to have replaced and can help to bring back the old rustic feeling that your worn and torn doors offer. 

It’s important to make sure that you carefully discuss your wants with the contractor whom you have assigned to put the doors in. For example, if you have any period wallpaper that is situated around the door frames, make sure that they know to take great care when removing the door frames, and take preventative measures to ensure that minimal damage is done. You can also have the company install the doorframes over the gaps that were left where the décor will have worn a little as the old frames were being taken out. Try your best to keep the original fittings like the period door handles, brass knobs, and wherever possible try to have the door hinges restored and reused. Of course, this is not going to be possible all of the time, but sometimes it will work well. If the original door handles no longer work, you can click here to see new models that can still replicate the charm of the originals. This all helps to make sure that, whilst you are taking steps to have newer doors and frames, you are still keeping the original idea that your property was built around.

Things to Bear In Mind When Installing New Worktops to Your Heritage Property

The kitchen is usually one of the main features of a heritage property. Many are adorned with period features made from traditional English oak or pine. Back in the olden days, no expense was spared to ensure that the lady of the house had a kitchen that she could use as the heart of the home. Of course, wooden worktops in your kitchen will start to get scratched and damaged over long periods. Back in the olden days, when your house was designed, the worktops would not have been treated with the innovative treatments around today to help preserve things for longer.

Thus, the wood can look dull, water-damaged, and worse for wear. When you have reached the point of no return and finally have to replace the worktops, carefully discuss the options available with the company you have assigned to do the construction work on your heritage home. Let the contractor know that you want to purchase as close a match as possible to the existing materials and preserve the cupboards and fittings there, too. If you are replacing them, make sure that you hire a company that knows how to work with old-fashioned kitchens. Look for a company that boasts a portfolio consisting of period property conversions, and you will be left with a kitchen area that is fit for a king. 

The critical thing with any wooden fixture in a heritage home is to keep the original feel. After all, what would be the point in living in or owning a period property if you fail to achieve this? You might as well move into a new development.

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