3 Career Changes You Might Not Have Previously Considered

If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught you that you’re unhappy in your current role and seeking a change, then why not consider a fresh start altogether? Sometimes it isn’t the company or the job that we are in that is making us unhappy, often it can be the wider sector altogether. So, if you’re tired of banking, law, or commercial property, here are three career changes you might not have previously considered. Who knows? One of these could be your dream job!

1. Tax Accountant

Always been good with numbers? Then perhaps a career in tax is for you. There is good money to be made as a tax accountant, especially if you set up your own firm. It’s worth trying to enroll in a tax preparation course first to learn the basics before making such a big career jump but it is very much possible. Tax accountancy firms help clients to pay less tax by taking advantage of various Government schemes and loopholes. Everything is legally sound, it is just about helping other firms become their most tax-efficient. 

In return, tax accountancy firms receive a retained sum every month from clients who want their taxes to remain at their most efficient. If you come from a background in property, then you’re in luck, as there are the highest number of tax loopholes in this area that can be exploited for your clients and earn you money as a result.

2. PR Practitioner

The written word more your thing? If so, then an exciting career in PR could be exactly what you are after. People come into PR from all sorts of different backgrounds, whether that be journalism, sales, marketing, or after graduating in almost any Arts subject whatsoever. It’s a very competitive and fast-paced industry, meaning you’ll never be left bored or clock watching. If you like the idea of taking journalists out for drinks and selling in some exciting newsworthy stories to them, then this could be the career for you. 

While PR can be glamorous, there is plenty of hard work involved too. Agency life in particular can be fast-paced and stressful, so be wary of this before making the switch. If you prefer a slower pace and less high demand, then an in-house role might be more suited to your needs.

3. Project Manager

Happiness in the workplace is essential for a healthy work-life balance, so if you’re tired of your current role, then why not consider a career as a project manager? This job is rather easy to articulate; essentially you manage either a specific or multiple projects. 

This could include coordinating and collaborating with team members to keep them on track, managing and keeping the project within budget, avoiding overspend, or even risk management to ensure that a deadline can be met on time. Project management can be a really fun and rewarding career for the right person, so why not give it a go if you’re tired of your current role?

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