Digital Marketing Strategies You Can't Afford to Ignore

Image Courtesy of Pixabay

Image Courtesy of Pixabay

In a world of constant online engagement and evolving digital interfaces between businesses, clients and employees now is the time that you are required to make the decision to embrace digital marketing if you have not done so already. Developing a digital marketing strategy can help you get a foothold on the competition as well as move your business into the modern age and future-proof it for the foreseeable future.

While there are many facets to digital marketing that are undertaken by extremely talented and knowledgeable professionals as an ongoing process, there are also some that can be implemented right now that can yield significant and almost immediate results when done properly.

These strategies are:

  • Search Engine Optimization

  • Social media

SEO is a key factor when it comes to online performance as it allows you to become associated with an industry or product in addition to being discoverable while social media at this point is a necessary part of any business.

Search Engine Optimization

Almost an art form, successful SEO implementation is difficult to master but when done properly ensures that your company is seen as the perfect choice in relation to relevant queries through a search engine such as Google, Bing, or Yahoo!. At the most basic level, SEO serves to inform web crawlers about the content of your page which is implemented using various methods related to your site’s content.

Relevant copy, inbound and outbound links, and headers, as well as digital media, meta descriptions, and alt text are all used to relay information concerning your site to a web crawler that can then reference your site appropriately based on a search, called Search Engine Page Results (SERPs) that a user can see and click on. The importance of this is to drive traffic to a site and convert users to customers. Because of this, SEO should be configured as soon as possible so as to beat competition since it is estimated that around 70% of small businesses don’t implement an SEO strategy.

Social media

Seemingly dominating the modern world, social media is everywhere these days as it provides a free and effective method of communication to relevant target audiences. Whether you like them or not, social media platforms have their uses and if you are serious about expanding business or being competitive then you will need to embrace social media now so as not to become irrelevant. As it stands, there are currently almost 5 billion social media users, all potential customers.

One of the key factors of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn is that they can be tailored to very specific audiences based on their demographics, interaction history, and user interaction. While the specifics of social media targeting have been the subject of much controversy lately, the fact remains that they are a valuable tool for any business as they can also be used to actively engage with your customers, integrate into your business, and gauge the public opinion of your company.

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