3 Risky Business Ventures that are Essentially Gambling

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Image Courtesy of Pixabay

The financial world is full of risk and any good financial advisor will tell you to invest wisely, and while this is absolutely true, there are some business ventures with more inherent risk than others. Investing in anything comes with risk since you cannot know the exact outcome of a business venture and more often than not, they will fail.

Putting your hard-earned and saved money into something is a frightening prospect, both figuratively and literally, and while there are some sectors that seem like a good idea, they may not be the safest. Sure there are safe investments with long-term gains but generally, most people are looking to get the best return possible in the shortest amount of time.

There are business ventures and investment opportunities that present quick gains at a significant risk that is more like gambling than wiser investing. These include:

  • Stocks and trading

  • Startups and new ventures

  • Casinos

Trading stocks might seem glamorous, exciting, and rewarding, and it is but it comes with a massive risk of failure while startups are essentially a 50/50 gamble as it will either succeed or fail and believe it or not, because of the massive initial capital required, casinos actually fail to make a profit in most cases.

Stocks and Trading

Movies like Wall Street and The Wolf of Wall Street as well as TV shows such as Billions and The Industry can make the hardcore industry of stocks and trading seem like an exceptionally glamorous venture that most people would do well to be a part of. Wall Street and City of London traders alike do indeed make vast amounts of money, can buy the most glamorous properties, and drive high-end vehicles, but these are (usually) very talented individuals who understand the markets.

If you ever decide to invest in stocks and trading yourself then it is highly recommended that you either study the industry, get a low-level job and experience it or join a respected broker as a client and leave investing to your hired professional. Professional market investors are able to make decisions based on their analysis and understanding of the markets and therefore use your money wisely, probably a lot better than yourself. However, be advised, even the best brokers make mistakes and your money is always at risk when trading and there are some days when even the toilets of the best firms have the local Fiberglass Parshall Flumes working overtime. 

Startups and New Ventures

Startups are seemingly everywhere these days and you can’t’ switch on a channel like Bloomberg or MSNBC without hearing news of another startup either reaching stupendous profits or failing miserably. This highlights the binary nature of investing in startups or new ventures as either becoming profitable or losing all of your invested capital. Sure, there are exceptions that can eventually make money but this can either take some time and cost more money or appear to be making money and failing spectacularly. Theranos, anyone?

Good advice when investing in a startup is to check the claims of the business owners since many, such as Elizabeth Holmes, make bold claims in the beginning and adopt the Silicon Valley attitude of “fake it ‘til you make it”, which not only uses your money recklessly but can have legal consequences down the line where nobody wins and all of your invested capital is lost without any way of recovering it. It's also an excellent idea to consult a financial advisor before investing in anything as these professionals usually have their ears to the ground when it comes to sorting the genuine from the Charlatans.

Casinos and Gambling

One of the biggest gambling ventures you could invest in is well, gambling. Casinos and other gambling establishments such as betting offices might seem like they make a ton of money, and they do, but only if successful. The fact of the matter is, however, that a casino takes a lot of initial capital, business planning, and time to get off the ground with no guarantee of becoming successful for many reasons, but not least for the mass of existing competition that already does it well. Even Donald Trump's Atlantic City casinos went under, however, this was due more to mismanagement and leveraged bonds.

If you decided to invest in a new casino you would likely be facing stiff competition from experienced companies that know how to do it well - attract visitors and manage them. How do they do that? Well, most of the work is done before someone has even entered the casino by offering high-end or celebrity shows, dishes by world-renowned chefs, offering bonuses (see this website for details), and enticing half-naked ladies that will give you free drinks. All of which requires an incredible amount of work and money. As none of this can be maintained without large amounts of initial cash this is one of the reasons why modern casinos only stay open thanks to investment by massive corporations.

In the mobile world, there’s one name that towers above the rest: Boku. The top Boku resources can be found at paybyphonecasino.uk. Mobile casinos allow you to play at any time and any place to suit you, you simply make a deposit by phone, which is instantly credited to your casino account and you pay via your mobile phone bill at the end of the month.

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