Why Employee Happiness Is Important In The Workplace

Now that life is slowly starting to return to normal, a lot of businesses are preparing to welcome back their employees into their office spaces. This will be the ideal opportunity to ensure that any last minute adjustments that need to be made can be organized before they return so that your employees feel happy, safe and willing to work. 

Where Ideas Can Thrive

The office is an integral part of your business as it allows your employees to gather together, discuss ideas and progress with business tasks. As a business owner you want to know that you are doing all you can to stimulate creative ideas to push your business further. So having a happy environment in which you staff can all thrive in is key. 

Improved Productivity Levels

A study carried out in the UK in 2018 looked at employee productivity in the workplace. They ascertained that employee satisfaction could improve annual sales by at least 10 to 16% due to working in a happier environment.So anything you can do to contribute towards your employees overall satisfaction in the workplace is going to have a positive effect on your business sales too. 

Creating The Ideal Office Space

If your employees are able to work in a well organized, brightly lit, clean and comfortable office space, they are going to feel more comfortable and content which can help them feel less stressed and more productive. 

To carry out any necessary repairs or undergo construction plans for your office then then you are certainly going to need a commercial contractor who will be able to fulfill this role. This will allow you to refurbish any run down or tired areas to spruce up the office environment. 

Accommodating Different Staff Needs

Ideally you want to be able to provide different rooms so that staff that get distracted by any light noises can work in quiet rooms, whilst those that enjoy working in a more open environment can work together. It is about getting the balance right to try and accommodate as many employees as possible, as not everyone is able to concentrate in the same sort of working environment. 

Encouraging Healthy Eating and Regular Breaks

It is certainly ideal to provide kitchen amenities so that staff can have an area to prepare and eat food to keep their energy levels consistent throughout the day. It also enables staff to have a break from staring at their computer screens and chat to other colleagues. 

Researchers in the British Journal of Health Psychology discovered that what people ate had a significant impact on their productivity levels throughout the day. The healthier foods the participants were able to consume, the more engaged, happier and creative they felt. So by having nearby kitchen facilities this allows your employees to grab healthier foods throughout the day and avoid an afternoon slump. 

What You Eat Affects Your Productivity- Harvard Business Review

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