How To Design The Outside Area Of Your Office

Image by Goumbik from Pixabay 

Image by Goumbik from Pixabay 

Designing the perfect office for your business is so important. The working environment has a big impact on employee productivity and overall well being, and if your office is outdated and uncomfortable, your team will not work as effectively as they could be. That’s why it’s important to consider things like open plan offices, team working spaces, and break areas where people can unwind. But have you put any thought into the outside areas?

The outside areas are an important part of office design but they are often neglected. If a potential customer or business partner visits your office, they will make a judgment about you as soon as they see the outside and if it is poorly designed and maintained, you won’t make a good first impression. The outside area can also be used as a workspace because studies show that being outside reduces stress levels and increases focus, creativity and productivity. Working outside is particularly beneficial right now as your business gets used to the new normal because it is easier to maintain social distancing. If you haven’t put any thought into the outside areas of your office before, here are a few simple design tips to help you get it right. 

Consider The Logistics 

If people are working outside, they still need all of the amenities that they have inside the office, so it’s important to consider the logistics. How far does your wifi signal stretch, for example? It’s important to place outside workspaces close enough so the connection is reliable at all times. Your employees will also need access to printing, so make sure to set up a wireless printer system so people don’t need to go back and forth to the office with their laptop. As long as you spend some time setting up in the right way, your employees can work outside with ease. 

Create Shaded Areas 

In the summer, when the weather is hot, you need to make sure that you have plenty of shaded areas because it’s tough to concentrate when you are uncomfortable. It also gives people a place to relax and cool off when they are taking a break. Get in touch with a metal building supplier and have them build a nice canopy for you outside so there is plenty of shade. This will also benefit you in the winter because people can still get out of the office and get some fresh air even if it is raining. 

Add Plenty Of Plants 

A dull grey concrete area isn’t very inspiring, so you should make an effort to create a more welcoming outside space for your employees. The easiest way to do that is to add plenty of plants because studies show that people are more relaxed and focused when they are close to nature. Having lots of nice plants outside the office also makes it look good for visitors so you can make a good first impression.

If you spend some time improving the outside area of your office, you give your employees more flexible work spaces and improve the overall image of your business.

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