Powerful Employee Aids That Ensure Higher Productivity At Your Business

Photo by Gabby K from Pexels

Photo by Gabby K from Pexels

Successful businesses are usually the most productive. The more output generated by the average employee, the more competitive the firm. 

Recently, though, increasingly output per worker has been almost impossible. So many people now work in knowledge industries that it's hard to see how bosses can provide them with tools to make them do a better job. After, lawyers can usually only make an argument in court, one case at a time. 

So what’s the solution here? Is there anything that the average employer can do to enable their people to transform more inputs into outputs in the same amount of time? Let’s take a look. 

Use Project Task Manager Software

If you were to take a look at how much time employees spend just asking each other administrative questions about work completion, you’d be shocked by what you discovered. The average employee is firing off dozens of emails a day to their colleagues, trying to find out when they’ll complete work so that they can get on with their tasks. 

All of this, though, is entirely unnecessary. Thanks to project management and status tools, everyone in your team can see how their colleagues are progressing and don’t need to fire off emails every five minutes to check on progress. Once a team member gets something done, they simply update the software and then the whole team can see their status, ready for the next task. 

Use Anti-Phishing Software

Most IT network security breaches these days arise from basic human error. Most commonly, a colleague will accidentally open a harmful attachment in an email and it’s game over. 

Now though, companies like Graphus are coming up with solutions that don’t rely exclusively on human judgement. The idea is to provide your enterprise with an extra layer of defence, over and above the usual firewall, while giving colleagues a little more peace of mind. 

Use Time-Tracking Calendars

Have you ever wondered how people in your office are actually spending their time? The results will often shock you. You’d like to believe that they’re using at least seven out of the eight daily office hours you pay them to do productive work, but that’s rarely the case. When you add up all the coffee breaks and meetings, you’re lucky if you get four hours out of them each day. 

The weird thing is that when you ask colleagues about the amount of time they spend working, most of them will honestly tell you that they dedicate themselves to their jobs every day. That’s why having a calendar that tracks time usage and syncs across your network is so important. You can see where people are spending their time and then help them take corrective action. 

Utilize Document Tracking Solutions

Lastly, trying to track Google Docs, Evernotes, emails, Dropbox attachments and other files can be time-consuming. Practically no businesses use just one platform. Fortunately, though, there is now software such as Bit.ai that combines all of these disparate files into a single user interface, making them infinitely easier to manage.

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