Every day there are countless articles and news stories about burnout, and the impact it is having on society.
Burnout is not limited to any industry, gender, age, income level. We see everyone from the CEO right down to the front line staff burning out at alarming rates, and the problem keeps growing.
I survived burnout, and redesigned my life to prevent burnout from ever happening to me again.
Increased demands on individuals, financial challenges, work demands that are often completely unreasonable, and it’s no wonder our society is now a culture of burnout.
Burnout CAN be prevented, but it starts with you. The leader, the front line staff person, the mom, the dad, the sister, the brother.
You can too. Let’s work together to rid your life of burnout, once and for all!
Michael Levitt
CEO, Breakfast Leadership
Burnout can and should be prevented. It’s up to you, and we can help you get back to the life you want and DESERVE