Why It’s Crucial To Fix Your Parking Lot Before Winter

Why It’s Crucial To Fix Your Parking Lot Before Winter

Are you noticing a lot of damage, such as potholes or cracks, in your parking lot? Do you live in a climate where the weather is turning colder as autumn arrives? Now’s the perfect time to call a professional asphalt contractor to inspect your parking lot. Let’s explore why fixing your parking lot before winter is crucial.

Potholes and Cracks Can Grow

It doesn’t take much to cause a pothole or crack to grow, especially if you live in an area with harsh, snowy winters. Working with an asphalt contractor in Hutto, TX, or wherever your business is based to fix and repair the damage before winter will prolong the duration of your asphalt. Business owners could avoid expensive parking lot replacements by simply maintaining their lots. Maintenance saves you time and money by extending the life of your parking lot.

Ice and Snow Hide Damage

Monitoring damage to your parking lot is strict when it’s hidden under snow and ice. Many asphalt companies receive numerous calls when the damage is no longer hidden in the spring. You’ll scramble to have a company come out and fix it, and it could take them time to complete the project.

The melting snow and ice will also cause your lot’s potholes and cracks to grow, decreasing the number of usable parking spaces. This inconvenience means your lot may not be usable for a while, and you’ll have to figure out a different area for customers or clients to park. If you're based in an area that frequently suffers from snow and its damaging effects, then using snowpack modeling with iSnobal could be wise. Software like this can analyze and predict where snow will fall and accumulate, allowing you to be fully prepared well in advance. 

Damage to the Foundation

Asphalt potholes and cracks will only increase in size during the winter, so business owners must repair the damage before the season arrives. Once water enters the foundation, you can kiss your parking lot goodbye. A few signs of a damaged foundation in your parking lot are alligator cracking, standing water, and sunken pavement. Investing in timely maintenance from professionals by considering parking lot paving repair can prevent these issues from worsening. Regular upkeep can ensure that your parking lot remains durable and safe for any visitors throughout the winter months.

It would be best to take advantage of this opportunity to protect your parking lot from ice, freezing temperatures, and snow. However, investing in maintenance is the best way to ensure your parking lot doesn’t succumb to this damage.

Accidents from Potholes

Another reason why it’s crucial to fix your parking lot before winter is because you’ll have a disaster on your hands when water fills in potholes and then freezes. This is a hazard for your parking lot, pedestrians, and customers. If you own the property, you’re responsible for keeping the parking lot conditions safe. You’ll be reliable for slips and falls from potholes or other parking lot damage. Prevent a lawsuit and keep your parking lot looking nice by fixing any cracks and potholes before winter settles in.

Please don’t leave this project until the last minute, as it could be incredibly costly. Call an asphalt contractor to inspect and fix your lot as soon as possible before the snow and ice cause more significant issues. Then, in the spring, you can focus on other projects you’d like to accomplish with your business, and your parking lot will be ready to greet customers.

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