Ways To Make Returning to the Office Enticing

Ways To Make Returning to the Office Enticing

Ways To Make Returning to the Office Enticing

As life begins to shift into the new normal, one thing remains a hot debate: returning to the office. With many businesses proving their remote work to be beneficial, others are experiencing a need for office culture. Regardless of where your business is at this time, it's always good to consider all possibilities.

Here are some helpful ways to make returning to the office enticing!

Nurture Employee Flexibility

Now that employees have a taste of what it's like to work from home, bringing them back to the office will change their lifestyles. By nurturing employee flexibility, you can create an environment they feel happy to return to.

Some may need a few days at the office and a few days at home, while others may need one more than the other. Try to keep in mind childcare and new routines they set and remain flexible around these new demands.

Create More Space for Connection

Once your staff makes their appearance, consider creating adequate space for connection. Things like cross-departmental collaboration, communication among platforms, and connection between all staff setups can help the in-office experience thrive.

Ensure your audio-visual equipment is capable of performing these communication demands. Including ensuring all employees have up-to-date equipment to perform their duties in either location.

Enhance Employee Development

A minor drawback of everyone working from home is a lack of development. It's possible they remained in the same position with a lack of motivation to strive for more. By bringing them back into the office and refocusing on their job development, you can create a new sense of purpose in their duties and give them something to work for. Additionally, recognizing their hard work and honoring their ability to pivot within the business's demands can make them feel seen and heard.

Offer More Amenities

The future of employee satisfaction demands a personalized experience for each employee. Offering spaces for mindful rehabilitation and amenities is a unique way to make returning to the office enticing.

Consider offering collaborative spaces outside of work and break rooms like lounge seating, games, and an area for connection. This can encourage employees to take breaks in their day and mingle with other like-minded staff members.

Consider Safety Factors

A vital component of an in-person work experience is everyone's safety. Your old office setup may not have featured all the necessary spacing and features to maintain overall safety. So before bringing everyone back, consider updating the environment to meet new demands. Employees working at home can work in a safe space, and bringing them all back together will require this added modification to ensure everyone's safety.

It's a big decision to pull people from their homes into the office, but consider a few of these enticing updates no matter when or how you come to this point. If your business is thriving as it is, maybe the remote work or hybrid culture is the new norm worth embracing.

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