Types of Promotional Collateral Every Company Needs

Types of Promotional Collateral Every Company Needs

Types of Promotional Collateral Every Company Needs

There are many types of promotional collateral every company needs. Successful marketing requires that content be more than just informative. Promotional materials should also be eye-catching and appropriate for the intended purpose. 

With the right promotional collateral, you can make your company more memorable to existing clients and customers while drawing in additional business.


When you need to promote a company event or product launch, posters are the perfect way to do it. Posters can be printed in large sizes and contain a lot of information, so they're great for making announcements.

You can also hang them in public spaces, which means that people will see them as they walk by. This makes posters an effective way to advertise sales, discounts, and special events. In today's digital world, it is best practice to design both a print and digital version of your posters. You can distribute the digital one via the internet.


In addition to introducing new products or services, brochures are also useful for advertising and promotional purposes. In many cases, brochures are ideal for distribution at trade shows or other events. Brochures are also great for business-to-business marketing where you want to introduce your company's products and services to potential business partners.

Social Media Images

Your social media images can leave a lasting impression on your platform's visitors, so you'll want to ensure that they're not pixelated or blurry. If the image is low quality, most people will assume your products or services are too.

To create an attractive, high-quality cover photo, you'll need to make sure that it's sized correctly for the platform in question. Close-up shots help build trust, and branded digital materials will help bring uniformity to all your online connections.


When pitching to potential leads or sharing the latest strategy updates with your team, presentations can be powerful tools to share ideas. Visually they need to represent the brand but have the messaging tailored to the audience. Here are a few examples of tools you could use to create stand out presentations:

  • PowerPoint is the original presentation software. It's the most popular choice for salespeople, executives, and other professionals who regularly give presentations.

  • Prezi combines elements of traditional slide-based presentations with graphics that zoom in on certain parts of a slide to draw attention to them. It also has more seamless transitions between slides than PowerPoint. It gives presenters access to stock images and video clips to add to their presentations.

  • Canva is a newer option that allows you to create presentations based on predesigned, fully customizable templates. This platform also has the most extensive library of stock images, elements, font options, animations, etc. You can also collaborate with coworkers and share your presentations with a clickable link instead of attaching them to your emails.


When planning a promotional campaign, one of the most important things to consider is signage. Signage can be both digital and physical. They're essential for communicating with customers in person—whether it's providing directions, sharing information about your company or brand, or advertising products and services/events/promotions.

The types of promotional collateral your company needs will vary and will often shift depending on the event or your current goals. Color and design play a huge role in business branding, so it is essential to set a brand guide before designing any of these things. 

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