Tips To Take Your Marketing Typography to the Next Level — Breakfast Leadership Network

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Tips To Take Your Marketing Typography to the Next Level

Tips To Take Your Marketing Typography to the Next Level

When designing any type of marketing materials, you must pay attention to typography. For instance, typography is important for exhibit design that is used in trade shows, as it can make or break your exhibit’s effectiveness. Whether you’re designing signage for your retail store or creating banners for a show, explore the best tips to take your marketing typography to the next level.

Choose Fonts Wisely

The font styles you choose for your marketing designs will instantly tell your customers a lot about your business. Using sleek, professional fonts will make your business’s marketing appear more organized and put together. However, if you choose fonts that are difficult to read or clash with the rest of your business’s marketing, it can make your business look disorganized and incohesive to your customers.

Font size is also important to remember when choosing fonts and editing your signage. Ensure that your signage text is large enough to be read from far distances. For example, you’ll want your store’s window signage to be readable from across the parking lot and to catch the eyes of passersby. Tailor your font size choices to the type of marketing you create.

Pay Attention to Message Layout

Once you have your text basics down, inspect the layout of your message on your signage. Try not to overcrowd your messaging by putting text together too closely. You may think of empty space in your signage as a waste of resources, but leaving some openness in your marketing is crucial for creating a clear, concise design and efficiently getting your message across. You never want to overcrowd your text, especially when trying to encourage customers to read your signage from long distances.

Use Contrast

One of the biggest typography tips for marketers is to use contrast to your benefit. Most of the materials we read daily are either black text on a white background or vice versa. This is because these combinations have high contrast, making them easier to read. If you want to get creative with your color choices as you design your brand’s marketing, don’t forget to factor in contrast when selecting your colors. Try to find the right balance instead of using multiple colors that make your signage look too busy.

If you’re looking for ways to make your business’s marketing materials stand out more, remember these tips to take your typography to the next level. Now that you know a bit more about typography and its crucial elements, you may even notice some areas where you can improve your current signage and other marketing materials.

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