Tips To Help Your Employees Feel Safe After Returning To Work

All over the world, employees are returning to workplaces and adjusting to a new routine away from dining room tables and guest bedrooms. If you run a business, and you are preparing to welcome your team back, here are some tips to help your employees feel safe.

Issue clear guidelines

Communication is key when employees are returning to work and customers are adapting to new ways of shopping or accessing products and services. To provide clarity and reduce risks, it is essential to issue clear guidelines and make sure that everyone who visits or uses your facilities or premises is aware of policies and safety measures. If you would like customers or employees to wear a face-covering during meetings or when accessing crowded spaces, for example, make sure this is clear. You can use posters and signs and send out emails to make people aware. 

Testing and isolation guidance

Some people are ready and raring to go in terms of going back to the office, but others may be more reluctant. To provide reassurance and help to manage the risk of contracting and spreading Covid-19, it’s critical to follow and implement testing and isolation guidance. If you require or advise employees to undergo frequent testing, communicate with them openly, be prepared to answer questions, and make sure that it is easy and hassle-free to get a test. It is also important to ensure that every member of staff is aware of the isolation guidelines so that they know what to do if they have symptoms or they test positive. 

Air purity and ventilation

Employers face new challenges due to the pandemic. While it may not be possible to protect everyone and prevent infection, there are steps you can take to lower the risks. One key measure you can employ is improving air quality and ventilation. Try to keep windows or doors open as much as possible to let air circulate and consider using a HEPA filter to enhance air quality. Research suggests that ventilation and limiting time in crowded indoor areas can reduce the risk of catching and spreading Covid-19 dramatically. 

Limiting numbers and social distancing

Being in close proximity to other individuals increases the risk of contracting Covid-19. To protect employees and make them feel safer, it’s advisable to limit numbers and maintain social distancing. If you run an office-based team, for example, you could offer employees the option to work from home or use a hybrid system, or you could alternate days to reduce the number of employees in the office at any given time. Use technology to host virtual conferences and meetings if you don’t have large, open spaces available within the premises.

Businesses all over the world are welcoming employees back after a prolonged period of working from home. If you run a company and your team is coming back to the office, it’s essential to ensure that your employees feel as safe and comfortable as possible. Issue clear instructions, follow the guidance on testing and isolation, communicate with your team, limit numbers, and take steps to improve ventilation and air quality. 

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