Tips for Improving Worker Safety in Mining

Tips for Improving Worker Safety in Mining

Tips for Improving Worker Safety in Mining

There's a strong correlation between keeping your on-site mining incidents low and increasing productivity. That's why it's crucial for mining owners and operators to do everything possible to prevent accidents in the workplace. Continue reading to discover tips for improving worker safety in mining.

Always Have Gas Monitors Present

Miners might release toxic fumes such as carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon dioxide (CO2) unexpectedly during mining operations. You need to make sure you use fixed or portable gas monitors at all times to alert workers of potential dangers related to these and other gases.

Miners can use portable detectors to evaluate the environment in confined areas before entering, identify leakage, and offer early alerts for any hazardous gases. You can place fixed detectors in high-risk zones where deadly or flammable gases can build up quickly and require constant monitoring.

Everyone Needs Proper Respiratory Protection

There's a lot of dust and debris that kicks up into the air when mining, and it can cause both short- and long-term health effects when inhaled. You must ensure that you ventilate confined spaces as much as possible. It's also essential that you develop a respiratory protection training course to inform personnel about the respiratory hazards they encounter and the precautions they must take to safeguard their well-being.

You'll also need to give a respirator to each underground miner. Respirators minimize the likelihood of breathing harmful airborne particles such as dust, gases, or vapors.

Watch Out for Falling Hazards

Even though most mining activities take place underground, there are numerous tripping and falling dangers to avoid. Your workers could plunge down a mine shift, trip over equipment and debris, or fall down mountains and hills. Take the time to set up the proper safety equipment and signage to keep workers on high alert for potential disasters.

Make Sure Visibility Is High

Working in low-light environments can cause workers to make mistakes that can lead to injuries and workplace accidents. You can ensure workers can get a clear view of their surroundings with the proper underground lighting. Illuminating dark passageways can be incredibly important for pre- and post-blasting routines.

Ensure that every individual wears a personal illumination device and uses stationary lamps that can survive all types of weather. That can provide them with a consistent light source that also prevents surprise blackouts.

Following these tips for improving worker safety in mining will prevent severe accidents on your job sites and enhance employee morale. Workers notice and appreciate when management is looking out for them. In turn, you’ll find a significant increase in your productivity.

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