Tips For Hiring Someone New For Your Business
Image via Straico
Your team is the most important thing for your success as a business owner. You want to ensure those who work for you are hard-working, dedicated, and passionate about the company. You want a team that works well, puts their all into their work, and cares. This is why when it comes down to hiring someone new, you want to do it carefully. Whether your business is a metal processing company, a marketing firm, or a fashion store, you want to hire the right person. In this article, we look at some top tips for hiring someone new for your business to ensure you make the right choice.
Consider their experience
One of the first things you should look at when hiring an employee for your business is their past experience. They don’t necessarily have to have worked in the same field, as many skills are transferable. It’s worth speaking to them about the experience and qualities you are looking for and asking them how they can apply these to the role you’re hiring for. If this is their first job, it’s a good idea to learn more about what they studied at college or university and their interests. Ask why they want the role with you and how they can apply their knowledge and qualifications to fit what you’re looking for in an employee at your company.
Think about how well they would fit in with your team
While you might have the perfect employee on paper, it won't work long-term if they don’t fit in well with your team. People who don’t get on with their team are less likely to stay on long-term and can lack motivation. They also might not pick up the slack for others when they’re away or off sick, and vice versa when they’re not in. This can cause a lack of efficiency in your workforce. It can be a good idea to have your shortlisted candidates come in for a trial afternoon or morning, where they can meet the rest of the team and you can see if they will be a good fit. This way, you can see what your other employees think, and the candidates themselves can also get a good idea of what it will be like to work for you.
Ask about their career goals and aims.
When hiring someone, you want a good idea of their career goals and aims. You want someone who will be motivated and want to do well, but you don’t want someone who will get the proper training and experience before moving on somewhere else. Find out their goals and aims in life and at work, if there is a particular skill they want to master, and where they see themselves in five years. This can really help you to get a good idea of their intentions and if they’ll be a long-term employee.
Don’t be afraid to take a risk.
When hiring someone, it can be tempting to go for someone who looks perfect on paper, but they might not turn out all they’re cracked up to be. Sometimes, it can be a good idea to take a risk on someone who might perhaps not have the experience you’re after, but has the drive and wants to do well. People with less experience can also have fewer bad habits and bring more fresh ideas. They can also be easier to train sometimes as they’re not already used to other ways of doing things. Taking a risk can pay off sometimes!
These are just a few tips to help you when hiring someone new for your business. Whether you’re looking to hire a new manager or someone to work on the factory floor, every employee in a company is an integral cog that makes the wheels of your company turn. You want to think about them as a whole, not just looking at the skills that will ensure they can do the job, but also their likes and interests. This can help you find someone who will work hard, fit in with the team, and hopefully stay with you for a long time. What are some top tips for hiring someone new for your business? Let us know in the comments below, we’d love to hear from you.