Tips for Bringing up Your Business in Conversation

Tips for Bringing up Your Business in Conversation

Networking is essential for growing a business. Whether a formal event or waiting in line at the grocery store, networking can happen anywhere with a little conversation. We’ve got some tips for bringing up your business in conversation to help you comfortably network everywhere you go.

Let Others Talk About Themselves

A great way to start a conversation about work is to ask someone else what they do. We all love an opportunity to market ourselves. In turn, after explaining what they do, there’s a good chance that person will turn the tables and ask about your job. Now, you have an opening to market yourself.

Hand Out Business Cards

Handing someone your business card is a quick and easy advertisement of your services. If you’re new to the business world and don’t yet have a good business card, it’s essential to get the perfect business card made. Without saying much, you can politely say, “Here’s my card. Give me a call so we can talk some more.” Your business card is what a potential client or customer reaches for the next time they are interested in what you have to offer.

Try an Ice breaker

Starting a conversation is harder than keeping a conversation going. Here are a few ideas for ice breakers when you’re at a restaurant, bar, or any networking event:

  • Pay a compliment: Tell someone you like their outfit or couldn’t help but notice they did a great job speaking at an event you’re attending—anything to allow them to say “thanks” and begin a conversation.

  • Discuss the venue you’re at: Is it unique? Maybe an old building? Start by asking if they’ve been there before, then point out something you like about it.

  • Introduction: Walk up to someone you don’t know and introduce yourself. Tell them they look familiar or if you’re at a networking event, simply say, “Hey, we haven’t met.”

The point of any ice breaker is to get a conversation started. When all goes well, the conversation kicks into gear. Occasionally, it may not work, and that’s OK. Just try again with someone else.

Common Problems

If you know someone enough to understand the common issues within their business or life, it’s a great chance to tell them how your business can help. Get the conversation going by asking how they handle that situation. Use it as a reason to talk. Then, let them know what you specialize in and how it helps others in similar situations.

After practicing the art of business conversation with several people, it becomes natural. Before you know it, you’ll easily use our tips for bringing up your business in conversation as if it’s second nature. The goal is to get talking. The rest will flow naturally.

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