The Biggest Café Beverage Trends of 2021 So Far

The Biggest Café Beverage Trends of 2021 So Far

The Biggest Café Beverage Trends of 2021 So Far

After months of lockdown and isolated carry-out orders, this year truly put cafés owners to the test. Not only were café owners faced with the challenge of keeping their storefronts open, but the menu of these establishments also went through several changes.

This blog discusses some of the most noticeable changes to café menus and the biggest café beverage trends of 2021 so far. To learn more, continue reading our blog below.

Plant-Based Milk

Perhaps the biggest café beverage trend of 2021 so far is the astronomical popularity of plant-based milk. While almond milk had slowly been growing in popularity as a substitute for standard milk in coffee and tea drinks, this year was the year of oat milk.

This plant-based milk has become one of the most popular and recognizable non-dairy additives included in café menus.

Investing in this plant-based milk is well worth consideration for any café or restaurant owner. Not only is this milk delicious, but it’s also vegan and caters to a growing population of lactose-intolerant customers. So while oat milk is a trend this year, this plant-based product is most likely here to stay.

Unconventional Sweeteners

Similar to the abandonment of regular milk, many customers also left table sugar in 2020. This year, more and more people decided to opt for unconventional sweeteners to add the same delicious taste to their beverage with less guilt. The most popular alternative sweetener that cafés included in their menu was raw, unfiltered honey.

Packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals, this syrup is a highly beneficial sweetener to use in any drink. Although honey is higher in calories compared to table sugar, honey has a lower glycemic index. Since natural honey is so sweet, customers can also use less of their product than table sugar.

If your business has not already adopted raw, unfiltered organic honey onto its menu, now is the time to add this sweet surprise.

Caffeine Alternatives

For many people worldwide, 2021 was a stressful year. This stress can easily be seen in the number of café orders that included caffeine alternative drinks. For example, matcha lattes became an increasingly popular caffeine drink for coffee lovers to try this year.

While matcha does contain caffeine, it is not as strong as standard coffee beans, making it an ideal drink for customers who prefer to be alert, not anxious.

The unique flavor of matcha is another reason why this beverage has become such a major trend. Consider adding this unusual and delicious beverage to your café menu if you haven’t already.  

New Brews

Every year, a new form of coffee brewing or recipe emerges as a significant trend. For the past few years, cold brew coffee has been a consistently growing trend. However, this year saw even more attention on snapchilled coffee.

Snapchilled coffee is brewed hot, immediately chilled, and canned. Baristas do not dilute the coffee whatsoever before canning this beverage, making it a strong caffeine drink. Not only does this brewing process creating a delicious finished product, but canned coffee has also become a revolutionary form of convenience for customers.

If you have tons of customers on the go, consider adding snapchilled coffee to your menu and indulge in this trend.

Looking back at some of the biggest beverage trends of this year, it’s easy to see how much businesses and customers prioritize health-conscious menu options. Consider reviewing some of these trends so that your business can craft a thoughtful and modern menu for the new year.  

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