The Best Businesses For Beginning Entrepreneurs

All entrepreneurs have to start somewhere, and when you dive into their stories most began small, and with a great deal of hard graft and a little luck worked their way up to the point they are at now.  Of course, that means, the most important thing to consider right now on your entrepreneurial journey is which type of business you will begin with. The good news is you can read about some of the very options for beginner entrepreneurs, below. 


Selling online 


Online retail is one of the most obvious options for beginning entrepreneurs. This is because the starting overheads are low, and the profits can be substantial. Of course, even at this early stage, it is worth making choices that help you to maximize your income.  For example, choosing to sell your items on an already established platform like eBay or Amazon can be the best way to get your business off the ground, because they have the infrastructure already in place. 


Similarly, you may wish to opt for drop shipping instead of buying or making your products and then selling them to your customers. Indeed, dropshipping can save you even more money because you don't need to factor in additional costs for product storage or delivery. Although it is worth noting that because of the smaller margins involved the aim with drop shipping is always to as many of each item you list as possible, something that means you will need some great marketing to help you do this. 


Personal training 

Another smart option for beginning entrepreneurs is to become a personal trainer. Although, it can often take a good deal of time to work up to the highest paying one on one clients. 


The good news is that there are some effective tactics for maximizing your income in the meantime. In particular, getting a Group Fitness Certification so you can teach classes can be a very effective way of using your time. After all, you are only working the same hour you would be with a single client, yet you could have up to 30 spaces that could generate income in each class. 


Additionally, by offering other services like meal planning, and home workout plans, you can both improve the experience of your clients, and increase your income in this area. 



So freelancing may seem like the perfect business for a beginning entrepreneur, but this choice does come with a proviso. That provision is that you can’t let yourself get so busy with doing the work that you get into a situation where you can grow your business. 

With that in mind, if you are looking at freelancing as your route into entrepreneurship, remember that you will need to offer additional products such as tutorials, advice, and even merch. Ultimately, you will also want to get to the point where you have a team working under you too, as in this way you can grow your income past your own personal capability to take on projects. 

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