Team Building Tips For Success

Team building helps to embed company values and workplace culture and builds trust, confidence, and loyalty. Building a strong team will improve morale and motivation, and help your business to succeed. Here’s how you can build and manage a successful team.

Invest In Your Recruitment Process

Hiring the right talent is the starting point for building your team. Review and refine your selection process to make sure that the people you hire fit into your working culture and have the right skills and attitude to help you to achieve your business goals. Whether you have an internal hiring resource in place or you use a recruitment consultant, investing in your recruitment process is worth it. It can save you time and money by reducing rehiring and training costs and you can avoid the negative impact which employee turnover can have on team morale and performance. 

Involving your team in the selection process can help with integration and engagement on both sides.  Get the team involved at the second interview stage. They can help to decide if the candidate will be a good fit for the team, and can answer the interviewee’s questions about the day-to-day elements of the role. 

Define Success

It’s important to define success, for you and the business. If you know what success looks like, you will be better able to lead and develop your team towards that goal. Understanding what you are trying to achieve at each level will shape your priorities. Is the business being impacted by poor internal communication or office politics? Do employees lack motivation or feel their opinions aren’t valued? Having strategic objectives in mind when you build your team can solve these challenges and boost employee engagement. 

Establish Clear And Measurable Goals

For a team to succeed, they need a shared goal and purpose. Clearly communicate the goal of the team and make sure everyone understands their individual role in working towards that goal. Make sure that the team goals are aligned with the overall objectives of your company. Set goals that are realistic and measurable. Set milestones and deadlines to keep everyone on track. Update your team on progress and celebrate achievements together. Team building activities can help with team morale too, such as outdoor team building activities for work

Set Expectations

Ground rules can be simple directives or general guidelines that enable a team to collaborate more effectively. They can include pointers and expectations of behaviors, such as being punctual, sticking to deadlines, and listening to and respecting colleagues’ points of view. Encourage everyone in the team to commit to these rules. As a team leader, it is also important to set the tone and lead by example. An ideal time to set expectations is during the onboarding and induction process, but they should also be reiterated on an ongoing basis in team catch-ups and one-to-ones and reintroduced to employees who have been with the company for a while and may need to be reminded.

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