Start A Side Business With These 2 Hobbies

Are you ready to add a new source of income to your revenue stream? Try changing your beloved hobby into a side business by doing something you love.


If you enjoy making jewelry, consider bringing it to a new level and marketing your wares. There is a seemingly endless variety of jewelry designs to bring to market. Think about your unique product, what you like about the process, and grow your ideas from there. 

Most jewelry makers use a few tried and true materials in their products. Items range from often-used silver jump rings to a variety of wire and leather pieces. Make sure you source the highest quality materials that are in your price range. This will help ensure your reputation as an above-grade jewelry maker. 

When your product has longevity and the care in making it shows, you add value to your name. People will begin to recommend your jewelry when they see its value. Word of mouth means a lot in today’s business where information moves and spreads at the speed of a click online.


Beautiful cards and personalized stationery never go out of style, even in this digital age. Take note of how you feel when you open the mailbox and see a pleasing letter addressed to you. When you open it and lay your eyes on the artisanship, you appreciate the effort and the tangible item you are holding.

Whether you are a digital artist who uses programs like Canva or draws all of your designs freehand, there are unbounded opportunities for you to put your creativity into the world. Items such as cards, thank you’s, and letterhead are sought after. You can market your services to letter wedding invitations, thank you cards, and place cards.

Have a Business Plan

Finally, any successful business owner will tell you that having a plan in place is crucial to your success. Here are some key points to consider.

  • From a financial aspect, determine how much your supplies or raw materials cost you. Regardless of whether you are satisfied with that amount, research whether other materials of similar quality are available at a reduced price or in bulk.

  • Decide on what packaging you will use for shipping. Ensure it will protect your product against damage, including bending or breakage. Once again, research the cost of the packaging and look for quality items at a lower rate.

  • Conduct research online. Seek out sellers who have a similar product. Look at their product descriptions and price points. Thoroughly research their websites. You will begin to see a pattern among your competitors regarding refund policies, pricing, etc. Take all of this information into account when you are drafting your policies.

  • Begin branding for your new endeavor. Create a tagline and logo that will make you and your product recognizable amongst the crowd. Think about those Golden Arches. What about the ubiquitous swoosh? They are known brand representatives without identifying the company by name. You may not reach those heights of corporate success, but you still want to make your mark.

  • Now it is time to put your goods online. A site like Etsy is a well-known place to start. Here is a video guide to get you started.

Go ahead and take the next step from hobby to business. Find something you have fun making, make a business plan, and start creating.

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