Signs It Is Time To Replace Your Warehouse Racking

Signs It Is Time To Replace Your Warehouse Racking

Signs It Is Time To Replace Your Warehouse Racking

While most racking systems are made explicitly with durability in mind, a racking system will still withstand a lot of damage and stress throughout its lifetime. To ensure that your warehouse continues to be a safe place to work, you and your staff must learn the signs of excessive wear. Here are some of the most major signs it is time to replace your warehouse racking systems.

Inspections Routinely Requiring Repairs

If you find that your racking systems routinely require repairs, it may be time to investigate replacing your warehouse racking. This is because the cost of repairs will often add up to exceed the value of the racking system itself. With enough repairs, it may be more efficient to spend that money on a new racking system that will be cheaper to maintain and provide more stability and safety to your work areas.

Beam Deflection

Even when weight limits are strictly followed, beam deflection (also known as beam sagging) can occur. You have to worry about whether or not the beam will return to its original straight state. If it does not and continues to sag, it means the beam is broken. If you continue to place large amounts of weight on the beam, you are placing yourself at risk of collapsing your racking systems. In order to rectify the situation, you must either replace the entire racking system or replace the damaged beam.


Corrosion of pallet racking is an uncommon but very real danger in warehousing. Often, these problems will present themselves in the form of flaking paint or even rust. When you discover these symptoms, you need to act fast to ensure that there is no collapse. This means taking the loads off of the racking and disassembling the racking immediately. Remember, corrosion is a sign that the metal has weakened and cannot support the appropriate weight. In these situations, you absolutely must replace the entire racking system.

We hope that we have helped you realize the signs it is time to replace your warehouse racking. Remember that warehouse racking is of the utmost importance in safety. If you find any reason to consider your racking systems unsafe, you must act immediately to prevent any mishap that could occur.

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