Preparing For life After Graduation

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Finishing from university can be a nerve-wracking experience.   After many years of controlled education, set deadlines, and definite, visible goals, you are released into the world with virtually infinite options. It is thrilling, but also frightening.

Fortunately, there are things that can be done to ease the transition – both while you are still at university and in the months following graduation.

Spend some time thinking about your options

Many people believe that the only real path after graduation is to get a graduate job, but this is not always the case. There are numerous career paths available to you, and not all of them may be obvious. You could start a business, work as a freelancer, or even return to university to further your education.

Assessing these options can relieve some of the stress and ensure you are making the right decision in these critical first post-graduation steps.

Apply for graduate schemes

Once you have determined which industry or career path you want to pursue, it is time to look for a graduate scheme. Grad schemes, which are available in many different sectors, allow employers to recruit top talent every year, and each employer will have a fixed application system in place. You could, for example, look at the Teach for America program.

For more information, contact your university's careers team or conduct your own research into the best ways to enter a graduate scheme in your desired career.

If you do not know what kind of job you want following your graduation, do not worry. This phase is really only for people who know what they want to do with their lives.

Act professionally and work hard

The rewards for those who work hard, act professionally, and consistently put in their best effort at university are immense. It will, first and foremost, reflect in your grades, but it will also better prepare you for the world of work.

A professional attitude is an extremely employable quality, and seeing proof of it on a resume will give employers a favorable impression of you. This self-control will also be useful when looking for work, starting your own business, freelancing, or applying for postgraduate degrees.

Look for work experience

University, especially during the time in between semesters, is an excellent time to gain work experience in your respective fields. Whether it is assisting in an office or completing a brief internship, it will always make your resume stand out among other, inexperienced graduates.

If you haven't had the opportunity to gain relevant work experience in the field you want to work in, there are still ways to beef up your resume. If you worked a part-time job to pay your way through university, that demonstrates valuable employable skills, even if they aren't in your preferred career field.

Furthermore, if you were involved in extra-curricular activities at university, these will provide you with characteristics and experiences that you can use to improve your chances of landing a job.

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