Off-Site Data Storage Can Prevent Huge Losses

Loss of crucial data can be damaging for any business. However, if you have the best data storage solution set in place to begin with, you can minimise the extent of the damage. A lot of companies nowadays opt for off site storage. There are many different types of off site back up. Nevertheless, the general definition is that it relates to any type of back up whereby data is stored away from your physical location(s), i.e. not in your office or any other corporate buildings you own or lease. Typically most people opt for remote back up. This involves storing your files and data on servers located off site. Read on to discover the top five benefits associated with this type of storage:

1. Save Money – One of the main benefits associated with off site storage is the ability to reduce business expenditure. This is especially the case for those who have large amounts of data that needs to be backed up regularly. If you opt for off site storage it is likely that you will have to pay a set amount every month, rather than deal with all of expenses in relation to storage devices, data management solutions, updates and such like. 

2. Reliability – Another advantage in relation to off site storage is increased reliability. Why? Firstly, remote back up is automated and you can recover files quickly. Moreover, if one server crashes you don’t have to worry about lack of back up availability, as most remote back up solutions are situated in numerous locations. 

3. Security – Security is of paramount importance when dealing with your company’s important data. You will be pleased to know that high security is another perk that is related to this type of storage. With off-site storage, you can also get IT support services too, and so you are likely to benefit from secure locations and advanced encryption tools. and companies like this provide physical security.

4. Easy to Set Up – One of the greatest benefits associated with off site data storage is the fact that this is a solution that is handled for you. When you acquire this service there will be an IT manager who will work with you to provide a bespoke solution you are happy with. This is extremely beneficial because you don’t need the time, resources and skill set to deal with it yourself. 

5. Reduces Workload – As just mentioned, you don’t need the time or resources to deal with data storage yourself. This leads onto the fifth and final benefit perfectly; you will reduce your workload. After all, if you were to store data on site you would need at least one person to manually copy files or back up data. Not only does this take a considerable amount of time, but also it is going to distract one of your employees from doing their normal job.

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