Most Common HIPAA Violations To Know for Your Business

Most Common HIPAA Violations To Know for Your Business

Most Common HIPAA Violations To Know for Your Business

One of the most crucial aspects of running a business is understanding and complying with HIPAA regulations. It can be daunting, but understanding the most common HIPAA violations to know for your business can help you make sure your business is on track.

What HIPAA Is and Why It’s Necessary

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was passed in 1996 to respond to the increasing number of health-care data breaches. This act set national standards for protecting electronic health information, otherwise known as PHI (protected health information).

The goal of HIPAA is to ensure the privacy and security of PHI while allowing for the flow of information between providers, insurers, and patients.

Becoming HIPAA compliant is a process that takes time and effort, but it’s necessary to protect your business and your patients. The following are some of the most common HIPAA violations to know for your business.

1. Failing To Take Reasonable Steps To Protect Electronic PHI (ePHI)

Protecting ePHI should be a top priority for any business that deals with patient health information. Protection means using physical, technological, and administrative safeguards to protect ePHI from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.

2. Disclosing ePHI Without Patient Authorization

Another common violation is disclosing ePHI without patient authorization. Some examples include sending an email with PHI to the wrong person, leaving PHI in a public place, or failing to properly dispose of PHI. Allowing ePHI into the wrong hands can jeopardize the security of your patients’ information.

3. Failing To Provide Patients With Their Rights

Patients have certain rights under HIPAA, including the rights to access their PHI, to request amendments to their PHI, and to receive a notification in the event of a data breach. This ensures that all patients are treated equally and that their information is protected. This also can warrant their right to take action if they feel their rights have been violated.

4. Failing To Train Employees on HIPAA Regulations

Employees need to be adequately trained on HIPAA regulations to ensure they’re aware of their responsibilities and how to protect PHI. Employees also need training on handling PHI, using encryption, and disposing of PHI.

HIPAA is a complex set of regulations, but understanding the most common violations can help your business stay on track. The offenses we’ve listed are just a few that companies need to know. Having comprehensive security measures in place and training employees on HIPAA regulations ensures you’re compliant and sets the foundation for your company’s survival.

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