Most businesses spend a fair amount of time and money on marketing. After all, attracting as many customers as possible is really important if you want your company to be successful.
Despite, though, the resources put into marketing, there are still a number of aspects of marketing that remain neglected by many, and which could prove to be a valuable addition to any marketing campaign.
With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the most important marketing strategies that are often neglected:
Hosting events
Hosting an event is a really underrated way to boost your business profile. When you run an event, you can put your branding up everywhere in the event space, which is an easy win, but more than that you can showcase what your company is about and what you asr capable of doing while giving the attendees a fun experience -all things that will make them more positively disposed to your company in the end.
Local SEO
Local SEO is often neglected, especially by global and national businesses but it really should not be. Why? Because often, when people are searching for the products and services they require, they will include a local keyword. If you do too, then it is more likely they will find your company ahead of the competition. It really is that simple.
Identify your USP
If you have not identified your unique selling proposition as a company, it is something you need to do as soon as possible. Having a clearly defined USP will make it easier for you to relay to your customers exactly why they need whatever it is you are selling. It will almost certainly enable you to focus your marketing energies and convince more people to become customers.
One o the simplest, but most effective marketing strategies that is overlooked by so many businesses is humor. Yes, the simple act of being funny, quirky, and having a laugh at yourself and the world around you in your marketing campaigns can be hugely effective. Think about it, people love to laugh; they love to be entertained, so if you can illicit that response in them, they will love your business too. Try adding more humor to your marketing campaigns and I guarantee that you will see better results than you are at the moment.
Writing a column in a local newspaper, niche magazine, or even on a blog, is a great way to market your business., If people like the stuff you're writing, and they get to know you through your columns, they will naturally become more intrigued about your company, and it will be much easier for you to convince them to give your products and services a try. They will trust you more than the next person, which will give you a definite edge.
If you have neglected any of these effective marketing strategies, make plans to implement them as soon as possible and they will almost certainly give your business a boost.