How To Overcome Self-Doubt As A Business Leader

Self-doubt can affect anybody, regardless of their position in life. But business leaders are especially prone to this negative way of thinking. This is partly because of the many demands that are placed upon them and partly because there is a constant fear of business failure.

Common questions will arise:

Am I the right person to be running a business?

Am I making the right decisions?

Are my talents good enough?

And so on and so on. 

It might be that you're relating to what we're saying if you're currently running your own business. Don't worry if so as you're not alone. However, there are steps you can take to conquer your self-doubt and banish those negative thoughts that run through your mind. So, to protect the future of your business, consider the following. 

#1: Remind yourself of your successes

You may have made mistakes on your business journey, but don't let these overwhelm you. You're not perfect, so you can be forgiven for a few missteps. Instead, focus on all of the things you have done well. Getting your business off the ground is bound to be one achievement you can congratulate yourself for. And there should be other accomplishments, both in and out of business, that can remind you of your abilities. Take time each day to reflect on them as you should develop a more positive mindset if you do. 

#2: Look to others for inspiration

You don't have to be the 'same' as other business leaders, but you can draw upon the successes they have experienced. If they can do it, so can you! Consider Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos for example, whose businesses began from their homes. Or Paul Ognibene who went from running a non-profit, college-style spirit shop to becoming CEO of a successful real estate development company. 

It would be wrong of you to compare yourself unfavorably to such business luminaries as they are as human as you are. Mistakes will have been made on their journeys, but through hard work and passion for what they were doing, they found success. Be inspired as you could achieve the same. 

#3: Keep learning

In business, you won't be the master of everything. There will be areas that you are weak in but you shouldn't let these dictate your self-worth as a business leader. To overcome any weaknesses in your business, you could outsource to others. You could also hire people onto your team who are experts in what they do. These are both sensible steps, but there is something else you can do: Educate yourself. 

By adopting a learning mentality, you will be able to strengthen your position as a business leader and gain new abilities. So, look for online and offline college courses. Attend self-help seminars and workshops. Listen to podcasts and Ted Talks delivered by established business leaders. And add these books to your reading list. By advancing your knowledge and skill set, you should be able to banish those feelings of self-doubt. 


There will be days when things don't go well for you but don't take any bad experiences to heart. Learn from them by all means but remember that you are bigger than the problems you might sometimes face. Stay focused on your business and the many good things about your life, and follow our suggestions to overcome any moments of personal self-doubt. You can do this!

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