How To Grow Your Podcast Audience

One of the biggest booms to happen in recent years is the podcast boom. It started with people who wanted to create ‘talking’ blogs and it’s blasted outwards into celebrity land. Podcasts are growing and everyone can start one. Large companies are spending tons of cash to buy certain podcasts and host them where people can download them. For example, Spotify is more than happy to spend millions of dollars to secure Joe Rogan’s podcast. 

The problem with most people who start a podcast is that they have no idea how they’re going to grow their podcast. Finding the audience who will download your podcast is the easy part, but growing that audience to get more downloads and more hits is important if you want to get your company name and brand out there. You don't need millions of downloads, but it wouldn't hurt to contact podcast booking agencies to get the right people to talk to on the airwaves. Knowing where to start is always the best place to get going, and if you have a podcast and you just want to grow it, you can read the tips below to see how you can grow your podcast properly.

  1. Talk to people with a bigger audience. If you want to grow your audience, you have to consider who else has a similar audience to you. If you want to ensure that you grow your audience, ask people who already have an engaged audience with a range of subscribers. You have to make sure that people have an engaged audience because without one, it’s pointless!

  2. Have a schedule. People who do subscribe because they are interested will want regular podcast episodes from you. You need a schedule and whether you post once a week or once a day, you need to have a skeleton outline for the episodes you want to upload. Ensuring that you have a schedule for your podcast episodes will keep people engaged and expecting the best from you.

  3. Share it. You want to grow your audience which means that you need to get sharing your podcast episodes on your social media as much as possible. You want people to get more of a taste for how good the products you have will be, so maybe direct your podcast episodes around how you create your products. When you do that, share it on social media and get friends and family to share it even more.

  4. Make your content worth sharing. From short snappy episodes packed with humor to choosing small highlights, you can make your content easy to digest and share across your pages and your social media. You can even make small ‘promo’ style videos that will let your consumers know the content you’re planning to create later. 

Podcasts need a lot of oomph to be shared and to grab the attention of others. If you’re not creating one, you should be - just map out how you plan to grow first!

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