How To Choose The Best New Member Of Your Team

Hiring a new employee is something that is always a positive step for your business. When you need an extra pair of hands to handle your day to day tasks, finding the right person to join your team is essential ahd can make all the difference for your business. 

When starting the hiring process, it is important for you to try and find the perfect person to fit the role and into your team, and often this can be a challenge. However, today we want to take a look at how you can find a great member to join your team and be a part of your business this year. 

Screen them 

One of the first steps you should take during the recruitment process is pre-employment screening. There are various different types of screening you can do such as criminal screening, previous employment screening, and financial screening if they will work in the financial sector. Consider screening your employees before you take the application too far and this way you can weed out anyone who you wouldn’t want to trust in your business and narrow down the pool. 

Meet them 

The most important step you have to take when hiring a new member of your team is to meet them in person and see what they are like! Qualifications and experience are always important for a new hire, however, it is not the only thing that is important. You also need to consider the personality of the person who might be joining you and whether or not they will get along with you and your existing team. Meet your prospective employee somewhere neutral such as a cafe for a more laid back vibe and this will allow you to have a conversation and assess what they are like as an individual. The value of this meeting is great and you will be able to decide whether or not they will fit in well with your team. 

Check out their skills 

When looking at the application of a new employee, you want to take a look at their skills both in the workplace and outside the workplace. People have many hobbies and talents, and it is a great idea for you to check out the blogs, social media, and other skills they have outside the workplace. This will give you a bigger insight into the person as well as where their strengths lie. 

Understand their ambitions 

It is super important during the recruitment process to ask your employee what their overarching ambitions are in their career. This will help you to see what path they want to take in their lives, and will also help you to decide whether or not you are able to provide for them the career development they require. Investing in the right person is important, and if you are able to agree upon a path that involves experience and training, you can start to build a wonderful career plan with a person who you can see going the distance in your team. 

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