How Has Covid Changed The Workplace?

Over the last year and half, Covid-19 has forced companies all over the world to accommodate their employees working from home, which has potentially forever changed the world of work. A lot of employees have enjoyed the benefits of working remotely, whereas others have also experienced some drawbacks. 

As more people get vaccinated, a return to the workplace is starting to be considered, although it seems that neither staff nor businesses want things to be exactly as they were before. A more hybrid workplace seems to be the answer. In a hybrid workplace model, employees can work in different places, such as the office, coworking spaces, public places, or from home. 

A study by American Worker showed that many workers want to continue working remotely at least some of the time, and businesses intend to be flexible about this. Productivity does not seem to have declined due to more remote work. However, there are also people who want to return to the office, and companies intend to accommodate them too.

When employees have more flexibility, companies benefit too, thanks to greater levels of productivity, engagement and loyalty. Giving employees more control, flexibility, and freedom in where and when they work is at the heart of the hybrid workplace. The pandemic has revealed that greater flexibility can benefit both employees and companies and that the traditional way of working may not be the best option after all. 

To see more of the results of the survey, check out the infographic below. 

Infographic design by Ezra Coaching Platform

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