Creating A Better Work Environment For Your Team

When running a business for the first time, there are a lot of spinning plates to keep on top of. As a business owner it is so important for you to make changes and improvements to your workplace to provide a productive and comfortable working environment for your employees. 

People will work in your office for the majority of the week, and investing in a comfortable and bright office is crucial for employee retention as well as the morale in your office each and every day. 

Today we want to take a look at some of the different ways that you can make your workplace better for everyone in the company, and provide the most wonderful environment for your staff. 

Create a stunning garden 

One thing that many offices don’t make the most of is the outdoors. If you own an office building that has its own car park as well as outdoor space - you are missing out if you don’t take advantage of this commodity by building a garden. The benefits of fresh air and sunshine cannot be denied and when people are having a stressful day being able to sit out in the sun for an hour can have a big impact on mood, energy, and morale too. You can add some different features to your outdoor space such as a smoking area, a seating area with an awning and outdoor heating, and a grassy area with some benches, flowers, and shrubbery. 

By encouraging a relaxing wild outdoor space near your office you give your employees the chance to escape even just for an hour and refresh their minds ready for the afternoon. This can do wonders for everyone in the office and will be the ideal place to host a yearly company party or barbecue to bring everyone together. 

Display employee artwork 

If you have a large blank wall in the office that just isn’t being used for anything - there is one fun idea to try that will get the whole office involved. Ask everyone in the office to create or choose a piece of artwork they would like to display on the wall. You can then make a collage of different pieces that represent each person in the office and provide a fun talking point for employees that may never have spoken before. By doing this you will also get a laugh out of some stick drawings and doodles as well as adding some fun and colour to a blank wall that needs to be revived. 

Provide food on site 

One of the things you can consider doing as a business is getting some co2 refrigeration systems and providing food on-site in the form of a cafe or restaurant. You can create this revenue stream for your office building and it will help you to make some money back on the costs of running your business as well as giving people an easy place to go for their lunch instead of having to find local stores in the area. You can provide everything from breakfast to afternoon snacks and you’d be surprised how much happier people will be when they can pop downstairs for a coffee and a cake mid morning. 

Build a communal seating area 

If you have an unused and unloved corner of your office that is currently going to waste - it is time to vamp it up with a brightly colored sofa and chairs, some magazines, and a coffee table. A communal seating area is a good place for people to go for casual meetings during the day, for a catch-up, or even on their break to read in peace. There are some very good reasons to have a seating area in the office and it will provide people with somewhere to go should they ever need a quick escape. 

Create a coffee machine space 

If you don’t have the ability to bring food into the office, you can at least create a coffee space where people can make their own favorite brews. Layout a few coffee machines on a table as well as different pods, teas, and sugars. You can also have racks of mugs with your company logo on them that people can use for their morning brew. This is such a simple idea but will give people access to great coffee every day without having to stop off at Starbucks on the way to the office. 

Keep offices open and bright 

When creating the perfect office space for your employees it is important to pay attention to light as well as space. Don’t shove loads of desks together like sardines or partition every section of the business off from one another because this creates a cramped and dark working area that is no good to anybody. Instead make sure that you install floor to ceiling windows, space desks apart for the comfort and safety of your employees, and also be sure to allow an open plan space where everyone can see each other and talk when they need to. By creating a space that feels more communal, people won’t get shut off in their own world and the overall communication and rapporte across your office will improve and people will be much happier. 

Allow desk customization

One of the things you can do to help create a positive atmosphere in your office is to allow people to decorate their own workspaces. This can mean artwork, figurines, trophies, photos, candles, plants, and even blankets. Once you make the decision to allow people to customise their own desks, you’ll start to see more of their personality and they will be more comfortable at their desks. Comfort equals productivity in the office so allowing that touch of home into the workplace will be beneficial for everyone. 

Don’t shy away from color 

Gone are the days where the only office color palette to exist was grey walls and blue carpet. Don’t allow yourself to be bunched in with every 00s office space and instead show some personality and decorate your office as you would decorate a home. Add colored feature walls, lights, plants, and more items to bring the space to life and make it feel like a more inspirational environment. 

Make a communal meeting area 

One clever way to make the most of a spare room in your office building this year is to consider turning it into a cafe-style set up with chargers at every station for laptops. Some people struggle working when stuck at their desk all day and allowing people to head off for some peace and quiet or to go and have a project meeting with another colleague can make your workplace much more efficient. Consider bringing this communal way of working across your office building and allow hot desks where people can simply sit down wherever they feel like. Offering a more flexible way of working such as this is great because it will allow people to work at their own pace, where they feel comfortable, and will promote building relationships in the office. 

Offer weekly fitness classes 

Fitness is so important for our health, and as an employer, you might want to invest more in the health and well-being of your workers. If you have a spare room that isn’t being used or you have a sizeable car park, you can offer to bring a yoga or fitness instructor in once a week in the morning to get everyone moving and their hearts pumping. Encouraging your workers to get up and move will be great for their health and the healthier they are, the fewer sick days they are likely to take. 

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