Business Owner But Hate Technology? Here's How To Succeed In The Modern World

Business Owner But Hate Technology? Here's How To Succeed In The Modern World

Image via DALL-E

Even in the 21st century, many people are getting on with technology. Their dislikes of modern tech can vary wildly, from finding it annoying to downright despising its use by those who can’t go everywhere. 

In the working world, quite a few company owners hate having to depend on tech within their business. In the digital age, when most things are conducted via a computer or smartphone screen, achieving career success is ten times harder.

That’s why you need a few tips to keep things simple if you’re a business owner who hates using so much tech. Tech itself isn’t bad, but if you feel it’s complicated or have to rely on it a little too often, we can help streamline software and hardware within your office. 

Understand What You Hate About it

What drives your hatred for technology? What makes you not want to look at a computer screen or find a file without someone guiding you? This reason can be different for everyone, and you need to know your pet peeves or feel like you can change your attitude and simplify things. 

For some people, this reason lies in how confusing tech can be and how rapidly it changes. For others, it stems from the technical glitches in every program and PC nationwide. But what is it for you? 

Keep it Simple with a Website Builder

Having a website is better than not having one. Getting anywhere with a brand-new business would be best if you were discovered online. After all, the search engine is where most customers will start if they want to find a service or buy a product. 

But even with that in mind, building a website can be one of the most complicated things. If you have no coding knowledge and don’t plan to learn any, stringing together a viable URL may be the last thing you want to do. 

That’s where website builders come in. If you want to create a website that loads fast, is easy to navigate, and allows you to display your products and services neatly, use a builder. That way, you don’t have to learn anything  - just follow onscreen instructions and be up and running in hours. 

From here you can refine your website bit by bit (or hire someone to do so for you), but for the meantime, you at least have a secure portal that showcases your business on a platform that almost everyone in the world uses. 

Hire People Who Know How to Handle Tech

If you don’t want to have to juggle all the technical needs of running a business, hire people who can do those tasks for you. Whether this is bringing in permanent roles or outsourcing to freelancers who work when you need them to, sometimes you need someone more experienced on your side! 

This will also ensure you don’t worry about getting something wrong. Technology hatred stems from a misunderstanding of how software works and a fear of causing problems using it. If there’s an expert, only a call or a shout away; however, this fear will likely become less present in your working life. 

And Get Someone to Manage Social Media for You

Social media can be the worst place for someone who doesn’t like tech. If you’re a business owner who knows that a social media presence is essential, we recommend hiring someone to manage this for you

A social media manager will handle all incoming messages, the creation and publication of posts, and public outreach via these platforms. You’ll be kept in the loop and sign off on final decisions, but you won’t have to deal with it all. 

Make Data Ten Times Easier to Sift Through

Data is mainly kept online these days. Many cloud server companies offer endless storage for those who need to keep customer details safe, and honestly, who has the time to transcribe physical records anymore?

Indeed, in the modern world, it may even be a case of data protection if you can’t easily access, modify, and delete customer data when asked. Working with online storage is the first step, and finding a reliable program to access it is the second. 

These are the only two steps you’ll have to go through. Download Snowflake IDE and install it, a process that only takes two or three clicks, and your cloud server is suddenly in the room with you. 

And there we go. Using tech to handle data is made so simple it can be over and done within a few minutes. 

Keep the Amount of Software to a Minimum

We all know just how bloated the average PC can get. A lot of software comes preinstalled, and if you never looked through the apps and programs list, you probably wouldn’t even know it was there!

But you still didn’t need to use any of these programs, did you? That’s the critical thing to remember. You can keep the use of software in your business to a minimum when you know what you need to do and what the extraneous noise is. That’ll undoubtedly keep frustration over using a different app every five minutes to a minimum! 

Many business owners hate using technology at work, but it’s unavoidable in this day and age. However, we can simplify it and minimize the impact of confusing apps and background code. Use the tips above, and office hours might just become a breeze. 

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