Are you Planning a Career Change? Here’s what you Need to Know

A career change even when you’re in your 30’s is more than possible. A lot of people choose their career when they are still at school, but that doesn’t mean that you will make the right choice. It may be that you have been in the wrong career all this time without even realizing it. If you want to help yourself then the only thing that you need to do is take a look below.

Take the First Step

The first thing that you need to do is know what you want. Sure, it can be easy for you to grow tired of your current routine. You may even think that an overhaul is what you need to try and find the answers to your questions. That being said, if you are not 100% sure about making a change then things may not turn out exactly as you hope. If you want to help yourself then you need to take a big pause and you need to try and think about what isn’t right when you think about the reasons why you’re unhappy. Swapping careers without any serious thinking can be a disaster. You need to know what your non-negotiables are and you need to be clear about your long-term goals.

Work out What Your Strengths Are

You have to know what makes you tick. Are you driven by money or are you driven more by material success? What environment works best for you? Do you tend to favor a bigger pay or more job satisfaction? When you have the answers to these questions, you can then get a good idea of what direction you want to go in. You have to understand your strengths, your motivation and even your fit. If you can do this, then you can be sure to make the best decision. If you want to better your strengths, then why not explore things like getting into Stanford law, or going to university?

How to Find a Good Role

If you have finally been able to drill down and settle on what your ideal job looks like, then this is great. Your next step would be to find a job that you love. This doesn’t need to be difficult. Look at every sector and highlight any of the words or the elements that appeal to you. Talk to your friends as well and find out what they love about their careers. Take your time and do some internet research, or even ask your friends for five jobs that they believe you would be good at. This will help you to take the strengths you have listed and apply them to a real-life situation.

Prepare your Money

You may well have decided what your ideal working day looks like, and you may have found a role that has been made for you, but now you need to think about your finances. You have to make sure that you can handle a career change, because you may need to take a wage drop if it means getting into a job you can be truly happy in.



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