5 Things That Customers Want To See on Your Website

5 Things That Customers Want To See on Your Website

5 Things That Customers Want To See on Your Website

Your company’s website is a massive part of your public face, and it’s often the first thing a potential customer will see of your company before they ever speak to anyone directly. Not taking advantage of this is hurting your business, but not every business owner knows what a great website needs to appeal to visitors. To help you out, here are a few things that customers want to see on your website that build trust and confidence in your skills and experience.

Simple Navigation

If your website is confusing to look at and doesn’t have clear links to where customers want to go, they won’t bother looking for the links—they’ll just move on to a competitor’s website instead. Overdesigning your website so that it’s a jumbled mess of information, photos, and links will only serve to confuse any visitors. With so many websites to choose from, a potential customer won’t waste time on a website that’s difficult to navigate.

Engaging Video Content

Pictures say a thousand words, so imagine how many words a video says. Video content is a great addition to any website because it keeps the visitor’s focus exactly where you want it. You can communicate complex ideas and possible issues through videos that will reassure your future customers. Remember that professionally made web videos are important because a subpar quality one will only make you look bad.

Contact Information

Of all the things customers want to see on your website, one of the clearest things should be your contact information. Whether they want to buy something, set up an appointment, or just have a question you could answer, you don’t want it to be difficult to get in contact with you at all. A good place to keep contact information is near the bottom of every page on your website.

Social Media Connections

Social media is king nowadays; no company survives long without effectively utilizing its influence. Besides creating stronger relationships with customers, it allows people who haven’t bought from you yet to keep you in mind for a much longer period of time. Ideally, this means that your posts are keeping you fresh in their heads for when they need you.


Despite all these requirements, visitors to your website do want to see what makes you unique. They want to see what separates your company from the rest. Don’t be afraid to add your own touches of personality to your website to show off who you really are. This makes your website seem a little less clinical and more like it’s run by actual humans who care about their customers.

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