4 Steps To Get You Started on Your Engineering Career Path

Engineering is a challenging, but rewarding profession. It requires discipline and dedication to become successful. If you are looking for a career that will allow you to utilize your creative skills and be an innovator, then engineering might just be the perfect fit for you! This blog post will provide some information on how to get started on your engineering career path.

Earn a Bachelor's Degree in Applied Engineering

When you're looking at earning a Bachelor's Degree in applied engineering, it is important to know what kind of engineering career path you want. For example, if your goal is to become an aerospace engineer, majoring in aeronautical or astronautical engineering will prepare you for that work. 

Obtain Licensure

In the United States, individual states regulate engineering licensure. Engineers with all levels of experience are eligible for licensing as long as they meet a state’s requirements and pass their exams. In order to qualify for an examination in most states, engineers must first complete four years of satisfactory work experience under the supervision of a licensed Professional Engineer (PE). 

They also have to attend continuing education courses on topics relevant to their specialization at least every two years to maintain license eligibility. In addition, qualifying candidates who earn undergraduate degrees from ABET-accredited schools may be able to sit for qualifying examinations after three years of supervised work experience instead of four, depending on which type or level exam they're applying for.

Gain Practical Experience in the Field

Some people might be able to see themselves working in the engineering field, but they have no idea what kind of career path would be best for them. A person could pursue so many fields and sub-fields depending on their interests, skillset, or aspirations. That's why it is important to get practical experience with an engineer who can help you figure out where your strengths lie before committing too heavily into one specific area.

Here are three practical ways that you can gain experience and prepare to become a PE:

- Ask other engineers for help with your projects. They will be able to offer valuable advice on how to solve problems and provide insight into what it is like in the profession. 

- Find an engineering position outside of academia and work in industry or private practice during school. This gives students practical exposure while still learning theory, which helps them make informed decisions about their future career path. 

- Intern at different companies over time, such as during summer breaks from college courses if possible. Again this allows people who might not know what engineering area they want to pursue more knowledge under natural world conditions.

Obtain a Professional Engineering License (PE)

The Professional Engineering License is the highest form of licensure that an engineer can obtain. It requires earning a Masters in Applied Engineering Degree, taking and passing the Principles and Practice Exam (PPE), accumulating four years of experience with engineering tasks, completing 400 hours of continuing education courses every two years, or any combination thereof. 


In conclusion, the engineering profession can be a rewarding and fulfilling career path, but it is not easy. You must have the right education to get started on this journey. With these four steps in mind for your goals, hopefully, you are now more informed about the process of becoming an engineer!

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