How To Improve Employee Wellness

To be a successful business leader it’s important to focus on employee wellness. Your staff need to be healthy and happy in order to thrive, and produce creative work. There are so many ways that you can improve employee wellness so let's take a look.

1 . Offer mental health training

According to NAMI, ‘20.6% of U.S. adults experienced mental illness in 2019 (51.5 million people). This represents 1 in 5 adults.’ If you’d like to support your employees, mental health training is incredibly valuable. Mental health training might cover a range of different themes including:

  • Learning to spot mental health symptoms.

  • How to manage anxiety and stress.

  • Avoiding burnout and asking for help.

  • Supporting coworkers with their wellness.

2. Wellbeing platforms

If you want to improve staff wellness it’s a good idea to offer wellbeing platforms. To get started check out these useful workplace wellness apps:


Unmind is an excellent mental health resource, aimed at small businesses. The content was designed to improve well being and overall health. There are lots of different categories to focus on whether it’s self-care, sleep, happiness or fitness.


Wellable is a wellness app that can help employees to focus on different aspects of wellness. There are programs to support financial health, mental health, emotional and social health. Staff can access various activities and exercise to improve their well-being. Features include wellness goals, journals, and progress tracking.

3 . Be flexible

Micromanaging and rigid work schedules can put employees under a lot of pressure. If your workplace conditions are not very flexible, your staff feel stressed out, and under appreciated. There are many ways that you can keep things flexible, including:

  • Allow flexible shifts where staff can choose their hours.

  • Permit staff to work from home, even if it’s only one or two days a week.

  • Encourage autonomous teams, to give your staff more responsibility and freedom.

  • Allow ‘wellness’ days, where staff can take time off for their mental health.

  • Give staff time off on their birthdays, or for other special occasions.

4. Provide feedback

Provide your employees with feedback, using regular one to one sessions. Ask your staff how they feel within their role, and if there is anything that they need support with. If you want your employees to feel valued it’s important to show them that you care. By providing feedback you can help your employees to develop and grow.

5. Adjust working conditions

To support staff wellness you need to create the right working conditions. Ensure that you set up ergonomic workstations, to prevent injuries and aches, and pains. Use air purifiers and plants to improve the air quality. You might also like to provide on-site exercise classes if you have the means to do so. There are plenty of ways you can improve your workplace.

To learn more about health and wellness, get in touch with Kevin Lucas. Kevin is a health and wellness advocate, public speaker, and entrepreneur. The more you learn about wellness, the easier it is to support your staff.

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