Celebrating Your Team With More Than Simple Praise

It’s very important to notice the value that your staff bring to your firm. Yes, of course, they’re certainly not there out of the goodness of their hearts, and you do adequately pay them for everything they have done, but it’s also important to note that your employees aren’t robot, and they have emotions. Like anyone, they respond to being praised when they go above and beyond, and they want to enjoy strong guidance in their roles.

It’s also true that when they knock it out of the park, they deserve to be celebrated. This is because many staff are not only there to do a job, but because after some time has passed, they will really care for the success of the brand and feel an intrinsic connection to it. Their labor is going into establishing its success, after all, so they have a real, visceral desire to make this work.

It can be good, then, to show them that you’ve noticed those efforts and you deeply appreciate it. But sometimes, more than words are needed. Let’s consider what can be done:

Award Ceremonies

You’d be surprised just how healthy and positive a business award ceremony can be. Not only does it provide your staff with a public means of being recognized for their efforts, but with Paradigm Recognition Medals & Trophies, as well as prizes allocated to these awards, you can make something tangible and worthwhile out of making the effort. Who knows who else this could inspire in your business, and who might feel that next year, the effort is also worth the candle? Award events are also great fun, and give your team something special to bond over.

Community Investments

It can be nice to invest in your team as a reward for working well and doing their best. It might be that putting them in favorable working placements, or investing in their office environment, or offering voluntary courses they can take to increase the skillset (such as a paid first aid course on office time), can make a tremendous difference, and showcase that not only are you willing to pay lip service, but you also find it important to keep and develop your staff. This can be a tangible manner of showing your appreciation.

Showcase Great Work

A great manner by which to compliment your staff is to showcase just why they’re being celebrated, and how their work has made a difference. Perhaps a project they have been completed can be used, with their permission, as a training stimulus for those trying to onboard into your firm. This might sound a little assumptive, but you’d be surprised just how proud a staff member can be realizing just what an impact their work has had on your firm. Little elements like this, not only praising work but using it as a worthwhile example for others, can help you showcase just what you’d like to celebrate from a given professional.

With this advice, you’re sure to celebrate your team with more than just praise.

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