5 Cleaning Products To Keep in Your Office

5 Cleaning Products To Keep in Your Office

5 Cleaning Products To Keep in Your Office

Maintaining a clean and sanitary office environment is crucial for a productive workspace. While a quarterly deep clean by a professional cleaning service like Hydra Clean NW is recommended, having the right cleaning products is equally important. Discover the top five cleaning products essential for your office's cleanliness. From versatile disinfectants to eco-friendly wipes, these products ensure a germ-free and welcoming atmosphere for your team and clients alike.

1. Glass Cleaner

Regardless of whether you work on the top or bottom floor, cleaning your windows is a necessity. Windows can become dirty pretty fast, so it’s best to clean them every few months to help keep gunk and dirt off. It will help to have a glass cleaner to clean your windows and even clean glass desks or tables you use daily.

2. Disinfecting Wipes

This one makes sense. Always have disinfecting wipes in your utility closet or a drawer in your desk to disinfect objects. Things you should be disinfecting every day include phones, doorknobs, counters in your breakroom, and chairs that don’t have cushions.

3. Stain Removers

It’s normal to spill food, but you shouldn’t wear it home with you or be stuck with it on your person while at work. Stains can ruin everything, especially nice clothes if you aren’t careful. Keep a stain removal stick in your office to help you and your employees look your best. If there’s a blemish on the carpet, a stain remover can help with that too.

4. White Vinegar

One of the five cleaning products to keep in your office happens to be an item you might have never thought to keep around. White vinegar comes in handy when you need a backup home cleaning remedy. It has the same properties as ordinary chemical cleaners. White vinegar can clean anything from a coffee machine to tiled floors.

5. Air Freshener

One of the most critical items to have is an air freshener. Do you have an unwelcome odor that won’t leave? Spray and conceal it with some air freshener. Use either plug-ins or a spray to waft away those dissatisfying smells.

Having these cleaning products ready will help you tackle those necessary surfaces without worrying about not having the right tools to clean with. These products will help restore your office balance and keep your cleaning protocol up to standard.

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