Why You Should Use A Physical Server Instead Of A Cloud Server

If you’re thinking about the server you use for your business, you might be wondering whether it’s best to use a physical server with server hosting or a cloud server. Both have their advantages, but, despite the fact that cloud computing is a growing trend, it would appear when you dig deeper that a physical server wins out. Read on to find out why. 

Better Performance 

When you use a dedicated service, you are using an exclusive platform for your own specific business. This means there is no risk of having to share that space with anyone else; your business is the only one to use it. The biggest benefit of this is that, when you don’t have to share the storage or server space, the overall performance of your business computer systems is better. In other words, a dedicated physical server is faster than cloud computing, and that is important; it’s something that could make you stand out for all the right reasons. 


The cloud storage system is undoubtedly a good one, but because it is shared by a multitude of different companies and individuals, it will never be as efficient or fast as a single physical server is. If you want the best-performing solution for your hosting, a dedicated server is the answer. 



Using a dedicated physical server offers much more value for money than the cloud will, especially when you’re considering the long term. It might seem as though the cloud is the cheaper option, but since the cloud is slower, shared, and will cost more as your business grows, in the end, when you factor in the potential downtime and the upgrades, the dedicated server is the better choice. 


Remember that when you use a physical third-party server, it won’t just be handling your website. It will deal with everything your business has to do in terms of its computer network. Making the right choice at the start can save you a lot of trouble – and money – later on. 


Greater Security 

One of the reasons many business owners feel that the cloud is a good choice is that it is thought to be more secure. After all, with all the passwords and encryption in place and the many different layers of additional security, hacking into a cloud-based system is not going to be easy, whereas hacking into a physical server would be much more achievable. 


Or at least this is the received wisdom. It’s not entirely true. Although the cloud will give you excellent security, it’s not any better than the security you will get using a dedicated physical server, and in many respects, the physical server will do a better job. Again, this is down to the fact that your business will be the only one using the server; there is no risk of ‘cross-contamination’ and data loss. 


Using a server of any kind is preferable to saving your sensitive and important information locally on a laptop or a USB drive. However, how much security you want will depend on exactly what you need to keep safe, so determining this in advance is crucial. 

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