How To Make Your Website More User Friendly

In the past decade, many businesses have created websites as a digital extension of their business. Many companies did so out of peer dynamics and did not optimize their websites to be user-friendly. This means your conversion rate will be low because consumers value convenience above everything else. Simple things like knowing how to accept credit card payments and incorporating them into your website can vastly improve your conversion rate. Due to the effects of Covid-19, internet use has risen rapidly over the past 12 months. Here is how to take advantage of increased internet traffic for your website.

Aesthetic design

Nothing is as inviting as a website with an attractive layout. Usually, a three-column lay is quite common and will be familiar to your visitors. You could also have a column on either side of your pages to make them look professional and consistent. In addition, you should have a simple user interface; remember, the goal here is convenience and accessibility. The color scheme on your website should reflect your corporate colors and blend well with the background color. Choose font types carefully as they must be visible and legible to make it easy for visitors to navigate.

Easy navigation

Your website must have intuitive and logical navigation to offer convenience to the user. That is, it must follow the norms that users are used to. If you do something different, it will throw off users as they may struggle to use it. In the end, you will lose valuable traffic because even if you try to explain or even provide a guideline on how to navigate the website, users will prefer to go somewhere else that offers navigation that they are accustomed to. The navigation on your website must be straightforward and filled with concise links. Ensure that there is a mega menu for users to navigate quickly and get what they want.

Fast page loading

Speed is synonymous with convenience on the internet. Additionally, visitors are searching for solutions, so even if you have those solutions and your pages take a long time to load, you risk missing out on purchases as visitors are often impatient. You should check how long your web pages take to load by setting emulators at 56K internet connections. The feedback you get from the emulator tests should help you identify how you can speed up your page loading. Also, consider compressing CSS, HTML, and JavaScript files and use small-sized images.

Search capability

As mentioned, speed and access play a crucial role when it comes to users who visit your website. For them, convenience also means being able to find what they are looking for quickly. If you have substantial inventory, it is advisable to have a search box on each page to offer visitors the chance to find what they need quickly. This can cut out a chunk of the navigations required to access the information or content they want.

Contact information

Visitors often want confirmation about information and will want to interact with someone. This makes an excellent case to have some contact information displayed on your websites, such as phone numbers, email addresses, and physical locations. You can also consider having chatbots on your sites to help people make inquiries and receive responses in real-time rather than having to call or wait for a reply to their email.

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